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How much longer does Clegg have.

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You would have to define what a bad MP is.


I guess the the Lib Dems wont want Clegg out in Sheffield. I think the residents of Hallam constituency will be quite happy with what he does for Sheffield.


I'm puzzled. What does he do for Sheffield?

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If you (or anybody else ) wanted to force a by-election in his constituency, how would you go about doing that?


The Hallam vote of 'no confidence'?


Are his constituents going to recall him? How? What procedure are you going to use?


If the electorate of the United Kingdom was represented by the people on this forum, then there might be a chance that the coalition could be brought down in the near future (a tiny chance - few politicians are likely to support a 'no confidence' vote, should their seats be vulnerable.)


Fortunately - for the people of the United Kingdom - the voices on this forum are not representative of the general feeling of the electorate.


There has been a draft bill produced for the introduction of recall elections. Don't know how it's progressed in parliament. It's something all 3 main parties started to support in the wake of the expenses scandals. Although at the last election candidates from the 3 main parties in my constituency all opposed it.


The thing is, there needs to be some sort of safeguard with recall elections to ensure that they aren't triggered by partisan witchunts. To that end the draft bill states that an MP is only open to a recall petition if one of the below criteria are met.


• An MP is convicted in the United Kingdom of an offence and receives a custodial sentence of 12 months or less (the Representation of the People Act 1981 only disqualifies MPs who receive custodial sentences of more than 12 months); or,

• The House of Commons resolves that an MP should face recall (this would be an additional disciplinary power for the House).


Personally I would rather that a recall petition required a few extra thousand signatures then give that extra power to the party whips in the Commons.


However, a campaign to recall Clegg would essentially be a partisan witchhunt and I don't think that voters in Sheffield Hallam would be in any rush to join in with that.


I agree that when it comes to politics this forum is wildly unrepresentitive of Sheffield. You only need to take a look at local election results for proof of that.

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Benefits claimants,,, often called the underclass.


Hourly paid or blue collar workers ……… once the backbone of the country but now often frowned upon as the underclass.


Middle class ….. once the realm of the well off but now full of people that think they have made it because they own their own home even it is a ex-council house, :hihi:


The upper-class .. the real “middle class” those that have made it and done well …. Good luck to them.


The aristocracy …… born with a silver spoon in their mouth,


Y'see this is where using class is difficult..I have a professional job,own my own home (not ex council) but my dad worked down the pit..where does that put me in your definition? How can you call blue collar worker the "underclass"? Is it just money that defines a person's "class"?

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'Class'' is an outmoded concept in the UK.

Instead, distinguish between 'those in work' and 'those not in work [NEETS]'.


Not really. It's actually a very significant concept.


Don't get confused between the debt-fuelled pantomime before 2008 that allowed people to believe that class was unimportant, and the reality that we now face because the good times are gone.


You're so 90s

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Not really. It's actually a very significant concept.


Don't get confused between the debt-fuelled pantomime before 2008 that allowed people to believe that class was unimportant, and the reality that we now face because the good times are gone.


You're so 90s


So how do you define someone's class and why?

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'Class'' is an outmoded concept in the UK.

Instead, distinguish between 'those in work' and 'those not in work [NEETS]'.


Just reading posts on here, and the sheer contempt the better off posters show for the worse off, and seeing how people in Sheffield are judged on what part of town they are from shows that class is highly relevant today as it's always been.

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Just reading posts on here, and the sheer contempt the better off posters show for the worse off, and seeing how people in Sheffield are judged on what part of town they are from shows that class is highly relevant today as it's always been.

Er, are you claiming that my post showed contempt? How so?

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