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Marquis of Granby Hotel-Bamford-Re-Opening


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It's been in it's current state for ages, and looks very sad. Was a lovely building, but looks like it would need tons of money to restore it, although the outside wall's been rebuilt which can't have been cheap. Does anyone remember the Friday night disco in the early 70's? It was very popular, and half of Sheffield used to go. We once got a lift there with someone we knew, but he pulled and buggered off with her, leaving us to beg a lift home from anyone who was going back to town. No breathaliser in those days!!

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It's been in it's current state for ages, and looks very sad. Was a lovely building, but looks like it would need tons of money to restore it, although the outside wall's been rebuilt which can't have been cheap. Does anyone remember the Friday night disco in the early 70's? It was very popular, and half of Sheffield used to go. We once got a lift there with someone we knew, but he pulled and buggered off with her, leaving us to beg a lift home from anyone who was going back to town. No breathaliser in those days!!


was it called the jigsaw disco. used to have big pieces of jigsaw attached to the ceiling. Very handy for resting yer pint

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It's been in it's current state for ages, and looks very sad. Was a lovely building, but looks like it would need tons of money to restore it, although the outside wall's been rebuilt which can't have been cheap. Does anyone remember the Friday night disco in the early 70's? It was very popular, and half of Sheffield used to go. We once got a lift there with someone we knew, but he pulled and buggered off with her, leaving us to beg a lift home from anyone who was going back to town. No breathaliser in those days!!

breath tests started in the sixties dont ask me how i know

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breath tests started in the sixties dont ask me how i know

I remember walking back from the Marquis of Granby to Lowedges after a night in the disco, seemed to take hours in the pitch black ... we'd had plenty though which made it easier!!!

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