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Shooting Industry exposed!

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So there is some footage of dead animals!

What evidence is there that is anything to do with the shooting industry?

A snared fox is not a shot fox, is it?

And snaring when done correctly is quite legal.

If you walk around any of the land that have shoots you will see that the birds are reared in pens on the land.

I could go out and take some footage of animals destroyed humanely and interview some. Really nice, pleasant shooters and give you a directly opposing view.

Yup, definitely smoke and mirrors.

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So there is some footage of dead animals!

What evidence is there that is anything to do with the shooting industry?

A snared fox is not a shot fox, is it?

And snaring when done correctly is quite legal.

If you walk around any of the land that have shoots you will see that the birds are reared in pens on the land.

I could go out and take some footage of animals destroyed humanely and interview some. Really nice, pleasant shooters and give you a directly opposing view.

Yup, definitely smoke and mirrors.


I assume the foxes are snared so they dont interfere with the shooters birds. It's well known that game keepers will poison or kill any wild animal or bird that poses a threat to the birds they raise to be shot.

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The League Against Cruel Sports has done months of undercover work examining the lies behind the shooting industry. This shocking vid shows them for what ther really are.




Does it include footage of the LACS slashing car tyres, assualting people culling deer and shooting vermin on their own land as well? You only get to take the holier than thou approach when your own actions are whiter than white I'm afraid.

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Does it include footage of the LACS slashing car tyres, assualting people culling deer and shooting vermin on their own land as well? You only get to take the holier than thou approach when your own actions are whiter than white I'm afraid.



and hunters have also done said deeds to hunt sabs too, in fact ones been killed before

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and hunters have also done said deeds to hunt sabs too, in fact ones been killed before


I don't pretend though that all hunters are virtuous people - in fact I find foxhunting rather distasteful in the extreme. If you are going to kill foxes for vermin control it's far better to shoot them such they don't even know they were being hunted.


Same with deer - I eat what I shoot to some extent - the rest of the cull if fit for consumption is taken off to the butchers for sale.


Do I enjoy it - yes I do and make no apologies for it. Stalking a deer, which has some of the very best hearing there is is very tricky. Getting to a point where you can safely take a shot makes it even harder and it's a test of your abilities vs the deer. Often, in fact most times you can't doo it and it takes flight. When shot if you do it right it has very little chance to know what's going on. That's far preferable to the overpopulation problem which leads to considerable longer term suffereing of the deer population.


Plus venison burgers and sausage is well tasty.

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The rspb, as far as I understand, tend to stay quiet on matters like these. The main reason being is that as much as shooting repulses some people (it's not something I'd do) it does provide large habitats for flora and fauna that doesnt get shot or interfere with wildlife that does get shot.

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The rspb, as far as I understand, tend to stay quiet on matters like these. The main reason being is that as much as shooting repulses some people (it's not something I'd do) it does provide large habitats for flora and fauna that doesnt get shot or interfere with wildlife that does get shot.


And that, I suggest, is a significant factor.


The people who shoot 'game' birds pay a significant amount of money to do so.


The farmers who rear those birds use a significant amount of that money to enable them to do so.


If there was no game shooting, then the people who are employed to rear the game would be out of a job.


The work they do (work which not only benefits those creatures which do not get shot, but also benefits agriculture in general) wouldn't be done. There would be no money to fund it.


I suppose that if people don't want the 'sportsmen shooters' to pay, the government could always levy a tax on food to pay the farmers to do the work the shooters were paying for.

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