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The British Media War against Syria

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Just noticed that over the last year and half the BBC and many other media outlets have been given a DAILY tally on the number of people killed in Syria.


Now this may seem normal unbiased reporting but take this into account :

Corporations such as the BBC have never or hardly ever given a total death count in places such as




Libya etc



Yet when it comes too Syria we get a tally every year ( estimated 20,000 as of today )



Yes I acknowledge that some times the media does say the numbers are hard to verify etc - But then why give the ESTIMATE every day , if it's not reliable ?




Now here is the MOST disturbing part of this modern day story :


The BBC use ONE source for their daily tally for the people killed in Syria .

This source is


" the syrian observorty for human rights ". You may have heard of them as the BBC and tabloids use this agency .


Who are what is this source ?


This source , THE source the BBC uses on a daily basis is ONE man called abdul Karim . He works from his conventry sitting room . Yes that's right,!


The head quarters of the Syrian observorty of human rights is some ones living room in Coventry UK .

My Abdul real job is selling clothes and has a shop down the road from his home .


Now this is True and factual information above .


The question is why a multi billion pound world wide corporation such as the BBC is using such shocking reporting tactics ?




Syria is ( or rather was ) the most diverse tolerant nation on this planet , A mixing pot of all religions sects colours .

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Just noticed that over the last year and half the BBC and many other media outlets have been given a DAILY tally on the number of people killed in Syria.


Now this may seem normal unbiased reporting but take this into account :

Corporations such as the BBC have never or hardly ever given a total death count in places such as




Libya etc



Yet when it comes too Syria we get a tally every year ( estimated 20,000 as of today )



Yes I acknowledge that some times the media does say the numbers are hard to verify etc - But then why give the ESTIMATE every day , if it's not reliable ?




Now here is the MOST disturbing part of this modern day story :


The BBC use ONE source for their daily tally for the people killed in Syria .

This source is


" the syrian observorty for human rights ". You may have heard of them as the BBC and tabloids use this agency .


Who are what is this source ?


This source , THE source the BBC uses on a daily basis is ONE man called abdul Karim . He works from his conventry sitting room . Yes that's right,!


The head quarters of the Syrian observorty of human rights is some ones living room in Coventry UK .

My Abdul real job is selling clothes and has a shop down the road from his home .


Now this is True and factual information above .


The question is why a multi billion pound world wide corporation such as the BBV is using such shocking reporting tactics ?




Syria is ( or rather was ) the most diverse tolerant nation on this planet , A mixing pot of all religions sects colours .


I don't know, why do you think the national press of most Middle-Eastern countries are anti-western and yet are still prepared to buy Western weapons?

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I don't know, why do you think the national press of most Middle-Eastern countries are anti-western and yet are still prepared to buy Western weapons?


The press in middle east buy weapons ? Sorry please clarify .

Its all well established the so called world peace makers ( USA uk france etc ). Are at the same time the biggest weapons sales men ( merchants of death )



As for middle eastern media aljazzers even had some top reporters and executives QUIT due too the bias Syrian reporting which is taking place .


Now the question is why has the BBC decided too use such low levels of reporting which has amounted too I dare say propaganda ?


I feel we have yet another Iraq or Libya style media campaign ,

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A quick search of the BBC website shows the OP to be either totally ignorant of the truth or lying. There are plenty of articles that report the deaths of Iraqi civilians during the war there.


Yes I know SOMETIMES the BBC may have said up too a 1 million people died iraq , but never on a daily count as is the case with syria.


With Syria we have had up too 5 seperate stories per day from the BBC , each story giving the "Coventry " source death count .


Now let's compare that too Libya : did the BBC ever tell you how many were killed there ?


In Yemen they stopped counting when they hit 100 back in April 2011 .




Mj I am no liar , if I am incorrectly it's not on purpose and I apologies , yes the media does report the deaths ( some times they don't ). But with Syria we have a new type of reporting which is clearly bias .



Syria was may be the most or one of the most liberal Arab nations.

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Perhaps there should be a "death count lottery". People over here bet on the number of (validated) deaths in a particular country on any one day and a percentage of the revenue can be donated to the leaders of that country to buy more weapons or provide aid depending on which lot are in power.


It would have to be the indiginous population killing each other to be fair. Western bombing or drone raids might skew the figures.

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Yes I know SOMETIMES the BBC may have said up too a 1 million people died iraq , but never on a daily count as is the case with syria.


With Syria we have had up too 5 seperate stories per day from the BBC , each story giving the "Coventry " source death count .


Now let's compare that too Libya : did the BBC ever tell you how many were killed there ?


In Yemen they stopped counting when they hit 100 back in April 2011 .




Mj I am no liar , if I am incorrectly it's not on purpose and I apologies , yes the media does report the deaths ( some times they don't ). But with Syria we have a new type of reporting which is clearly bias .



Syria was may be the most or one of the most liberal Arab nations.


Out of interest why would it be bias? You seem to have attempted to trivialize by using "front room", "Coventry", and "selling clothes". It could be possible for a dedicated individual with connections to assimilate a diverse amount of incoming information from different sources from his front room..where ever he/she lives. If that accumulated information is the only source and proven to be reliable within certain parameters..why not?

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