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The British Media War against Syria

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Ho Hum




A straw man is a type of argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.[1] To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the "straw man"), and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position.[1][2]


Still, I suppose SF is nothing, if not highly predictable.


Correct,it was a highly predictable answer.

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We've given them 5million (chicken feed in the bigger scheme of things) for meds and phones. The yanks are giving them 82 million. The Iranians (I think) are giving them guns and bullets. The Russians are giving Assad guns, bullets, tanks and attack helicopters.


Running the show ? We couldn't run a bath out there.


Actually "we" have been giving the Syrian terrorists / rebels support from day one .


Just because the Gov don't openly admit it , doesn't mean it does not occur ,



Remember Libya they said No boots on the ground ! WELL they were big liars , there were many western " white skinned " mercenaries fighting along side the Libya rebels ,


And I'm sure the same is true now with Syria .

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I'll retract my words on British government, maybe coz its only 5m, they just want to help and protect the syrian civilians but the 80 m you say America have given, suggests their double crossing the people


It's actually illegal under international law too fund any side of a civil war ,


But that has never stopped the worlds policemen aka USA before .


Guess there is always dosh £€$¥ too be made in war .

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Actually "we" have been giving the Syrian terrorists / rebels support from day one .


Just because the Gov don't openly admit it , doesn't mean it does not occur ,



Remember Libya they said No boots on the ground ! WELL they were big liars , there were many western " white skinned " mercenaries fighting along side the Libya rebels ,


And I'm sure the same is true now with Syria .


Really ? Where did you find out how much we have given ? As for White skinned mercenaries, thats likely to be hired guns from the likes of haliburton et al. Maybe our money is paying for that. I don't know. Do you know.

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Actually "we" have been giving the Syrian terrorists / rebels support from day one .


Just because the Gov don't openly admit it , doesn't mean it does not occur ,



Remember Libya they said No boots on the ground ! WELL they were big liars , there were many western " white skinned " mercenaries fighting along side the Libya rebels ,


And I'm sure the same is true now with Syria .


True, any genuine, peaceful 'uprising' was soon hijacked by outsiders that saw an opportunity to muscle in on the action. Like you say they don't do things officially, they just send in al'CIA'da to do the dirty work.

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It's actually illegal under international law too fund any side of a civil war ,


But that has never stopped the worlds policemen aka USA before .


Guess there is always dosh £€$¥ too be made in war .

Yes I think Britain got round that by supplying it in armour instead of cash though I know America's game, it's about time William Hague gets some backbone and tells them to......

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Have they notched up the score anywhere near as high as Assad already has?


The Syrian army artillery have indiscriminately shelled whole residential areas regardless of the fact that many in those areas are non combatants, old people, women and children.


If it's a choice between two evils. I'll take the lesser evil


Why? are you Syrian?

I bet most Syrians would take the devil they know over the devil they don't.


How about some evidence to back up your claims anyway?

How do you know who's killed who, and how many?

Don't you think if the Rebels take up positions in residential areas and attack the army,it would result in residential areas becoming targets?

If they all went home it would end.

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I never mentioned anything about it??


Iran ARE providing arms and even sending some soldiers to help Assad.Good for them.


Contradicts your earlier statement that Iran is not killing Syrians. They supply the weapons therefore guilty by association.


I dont know how many time's I've read posts over the years condemning the US for supplying weapons to kill every tom. dick and harry all over the world yet now Iran is suddenly the good guy for doing exactly the same and hardly a word said against that evil little gnome Putin whose busily filling the Russian treasury with Assads's blood money.


I just have to laugh. Alice in Wonderland redux :hihi:





Saudi Arabia is the biggest provider of alqueda - especially those suicide bombing types which were blowing up British soldiers in Iraq .


Yes the west are helping the rebels

1. Reports of sas and CIA on turkey Syria border

2. France just dispatched troops too Jordan syrian border



And when they say lies such as no boots on the ground you know they are telling fibs :


http://Www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYvSX06ih94. ( sas in Libya )


( American mercenaries in Libya )
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You mean Putin's personal propaganda channel? You must be joking surely?


They're even worse than Fox news, only press tv is worse.


No BBC and Fox are in the same boat on this subject


We have had 16 months of what can ONLY be described as propaganda


16 months of brainwashing



ONLY since last month have the BBC started too quote official Syrian death tolls

And have limited the amount of times they quote Abdul Karim ( aka bloke in conventry giving the entire western media organisations Thier ONLY source of Info )

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