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The British Media War against Syria

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So it may just be that the Russians and the Chinese may suffer considerable fallout after all this is over. They are major powers in the world and both have proved that they have no foreign policy whatsoever. Only the desire to reap in the profits while Syria descends into a complete bloodbath.


Could be. The 'profits' from the civil war in Syria may not be very large. How much 'foreign policy' do they need? The original Soviet Union (plus the Eastern bloc) encompassed 11 time zones. A 'Domestic' policy would have had to extend more than half-way around the world. The break up of the USSR meant previous republics became neighbours and trade with the West would mandate some sort of foreign policy, but it appears that the idea of 'global policeman' seems to have bypassed the Russians.


The Chinese seem to have a foreign trade policy, but they don't seem to be too interested in building their empire (though they would like to get their hands on the ROC and there have been ongoing border disputes with India and Russia and their neighbours in the South China Sea.)


As for their foreign policy - don't ask me. You'd do better asking them (or somebody who knows about it.)


If the Russians and the Chinese suffer some fallout, how much would that be and how long would it last? Would the people of Syria carry out terrorist attacks on the occupying Russian and Chinese troops? - If there are none there, that might turn out to be a bit difficult.


You can either be slagged off for sending troops in, or slagged off for not sending troops in. The Russians had their 'empire' the USSR and its satellite states - but apart from their long-standing relationship with Cuba (and their willingness to act as arms suppliers to a number of countries) they never seemed to be particularly interested in expanding their borders.


There is also another factor to consider. Revolutions have a habit of spreading, sometimes across boundaries between different cultures...[/Quote]


That might have a great deal to do with the Russian attitude. Even if the trouble in Syria didn't hop into Russia, an Islamic extremist state in Syria might spread ideas to and start trouble in some of Russia's southern neighbours and they might not be too keen on that happening.

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you can't really blame the west for this situation,it became violent because the regime (with Russian and Iranian support) decided the best way to deal with the protestors was to kill them. With the West refusing to do anything more than give speeches at the UN, Syrians realised they would have to get rid of the regime themselves.



There are atrocities on both sides, but there is no equivalence, neither in the amount of abuses, nor in the brutality




Western powers are trying to buy influence, but it's not clear they'll succeed. Libyans were very grateful to the West, but that didn't translate into supporting the US. In Syria, the opposition is not grateful to the West. And why would they be? Russian and Iranian intervention had allowed Bashar to kill thousands of Syrians while the West gave speeches and little more.



That's actauly incorrect the rebels were the first ones too commit mass murder , when they butchered the 200 policemen in Homs

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Have they notched up the score anywhere near as high as Assad already has?


The Syrian army artillery have indiscriminately shelled whole residential areas regardless of the fact that many in those areas are non combatants, old people, women and children.


If it's a choice between two evils. I'll take the lesser evil


And here we have the problem .


You say this as the BBC or another western source told you ,


Who told them ?



Most Likly source was the bloke sitting in his living room in Coventry !



Can you see how you may have been propagandaised ? (. Don't know if that's a word lol)

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Really ? Where did you find out how much we have given ? As for White skinned mercenaries, thats likely to be hired guns from the likes of haliburton et al. Maybe our money is paying for that. I don't know. Do you know.


The truth is slowly coming out of Syria . What is certain is that the mainstream media are hell bent in beating the drums of war YET AGAIN , and as such the truth is one of the casualties .



It's clear that the biggest user of mercenaries is the American gov. It's quite clear and evident that these mercenaries were used in Libya ,



It's also a fact that backwater ( they have changed names now ). Have just started working in Qatar , Qatar who is also one of the main funder and suppliers of weapons too al-queda ( sorry I mean the rebels )

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True, any genuine, peaceful 'uprising' was soon hijacked by outsiders that saw an opportunity to muscle in on the action. Like you say they don't do things officially, they just send in al'CIA'da to do the dirty work.


There was no genuine uprising


Remember it was the rebels who were the first too create mass graves ,

It was the rebels who killed the Homs policemen in mass .

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Why? are you Syrian?

I bet most Syrians would take the devil they know over the devil they don't.


How about some evidence to back up your claims anyway?

How do you know who's killed who, and how many?

Don't you think if the Rebels take up positions in residential areas and attack the army,it would result in residential areas becoming targets?

If they all went home it would end.


He knows this as Abdual Karim the clothes sales man working in Coventry ( aka Syrian observatory for human rights ). Told the BBC , times , and all the other mainstream press about the numbers killed .


I think harelyman needs too smell the coffe

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And here we have the problem .


You say this as the BBC or another western source told you ,


Who told them ?



Most Likly source was the bloke sitting in his living room in Coventry !



Can you see how you may have been propagandaised ? (. Don't know if that's a word lol)


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm - looks like our old "friend" truthlogic is back under another name.

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He knows this as Abdual Karim the clothes sales man working in Coventry ( aka Syrian observatory for human rights ). Told the BBC , times , and all the other mainstream press about the numbers killed .


I think harelyman needs too smell the coffe

Yes I am interested in him too

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