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The British Media War against Syria

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NOW HAVE YOU ALL WOKEN UP!!!! .... Don't presume our government is supporting them, you all need to understand that America is using us, Cameron/Hague are just puppets for America... We are gaining nothing from this, America is gaining a new country then once it has Iran, it will have another one


All politicians from all countries try to use and manipulate the masses. That's what being a politician is.


If you were really awake, you would have noticed that America is a power in rapid decline.


Are expecting that - if/when they are replaced as the number one global power - whichever state supercedes them will be more principled and less manipulative/aggressive in pursuit of their aims? If so, then it is definitely you who is in the land of nod.

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You believe the reporting on RT? "Today's headlines: Conclusive proof that the west is really evil. We talk exclusively to Syria's top mass murderer, who explains how Russian made equiptment is helping to pull granny's finger nails out in the fight against western backed terrorism. Later on in documentary hour, we'll be investigating whether the sun really does shine out of Vladimir Putin's bum."


But really this is what the threads about.The Media.


You could easily verify or debunk it but you don`t.

RT is to Russia as what the BBC is to Britain and Fox news is to America.


Google "Terrorists throwing post office workers off a building liveleak".


They could be soldiers and not not post office workers.That wouldn`t excuse throwing them off a building.Some countries need protecting from the cavemen.

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But really this is what the threads about.The Media.


You could easily verify or debunk it but you don`t.

RT is to Russia as what the BBC is to Britain and Fox news is to America.


Google "Terrorists throwing post office workers off a building liveleak".


They could be soldiers and not not post office workers.That wouldn`t excuse throwing them off a building.Some countries need protecting from the cavemen.

Please note this too... Google is American owned... America even control the Internet even though a brit invented www

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Jesus.. You accuse me of being asleep? Hahahahahahha... America are not apower indecline....go and get some water splashed on ya face....... Look up the new world order...Seriously your making yourself look stupid, well ya name anyway


The only thing that the stuff about NWO prooves is that the internet has made it possible for people with mental health problems to get in tiouch with each other and shape their paranoid delusions into conspiracy theories for which - in true paranoiac style - they then find further evidence for everywhere. Getting them to notice the far greater and more reliable body of evidence pointing to the fact they are deluded is a pointless task.


It could be that, or maybe I'm working for them, spreading mis-information to thwart the self-appointed warriors of the light such as yourself. Have you seen The Matrix?

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It's a civil war.

I'm sure innocents are getting caught up in it and would prefer our government to encourage the rebels to go home.


I don't think the government 'encouraging the rebels to go home' would actually serve anyone very well - except possibly Assad and his murderous henchmen.

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I don't think the government 'encouraging the rebels to go home' would actually serve anyone very well - except possibly Assad and his murderous henchmen.

Assad is doomed anyway...its Iran who's bricking it.... You think they won't use nuclear weapons to stop America from controlling them??

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But really this is what the threads about.The Media.


You could easily verify or debunk it but you don`t.

RT is to Russia as what the BBC is to Britain and Fox news is to America.


Google "Terrorists throwing post office workers off a building liveleak".


They could be soldiers and not not post office workers.That wouldn`t excuse throwing them off a building.Some countries need protecting from the cavemen.


The level of bias and poor standards of reporting at the BBC is not of the same order of magnitude as at Fox News or RT. In the BBC there are different camps on the left and the right. Although I would agree they tend to toe the line when it comes to major issues of foreign poliicy, there are always dissident voices who are also allowed their say.


Furthermore, reporters at Fox and RT are routinely allowed to present reporter's conjecture as fact in their news programmes. Anyone who knows anything about the mechanics of maintaining objectivity in journalism will tell you the BBC has much higher standards. That's not to say they are totally free of bias and political agendas. That would be virtually impossible.

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The level of bias and poor standards of reporting at the BBC is not of the same order of magnitude as at Fox News or RT. In the BBC there are different camps on the left and the right. Although I would agree they tend to toe the line when it comes to major issues of foreign poliicy, there are always dissident voices who are also allowed their say.


Furthermore, reporters at Fox and RT are routinely allowed to present reporter's conjecture as fact in their news programmes. Anyone who knows anything about the mechanics of maintaining objectivity in journalism will tell you the BBC has much higher standards. That's not to say they are totally free of bias and political agendas. That would be virtually impossible.

Yes it is.. Ticker is now switched on, you remain switched off

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