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The British Media War against Syria

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Strange . So too you bias reporting is acceptable ?



It's like say , so what if they lie , what's the problem ?


Do you disbelieve that the Assad government is committing murder against it's own people? I'm struggling to see what you are angling at?


If you consider it somehow as anti-arab/anti-Syrian or something such like, consider if it is anti Assad, it's probably pro-opposition, who are also arabs/Syrians.

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Do you disbelieve that the Assad government is committing murder against it's own people? I'm struggling to see what you are angling at?


If you consider it somehow as anti-arab/anti-Syrian or something such like, consider if it is anti Assad, it's probably pro-opposition, who are also arabs/Syrians.


The opposition are terrorists


That's a undinable FACT .


It's also a fact that the western powers have indeed many times in recent history ( south America contras ). Supported terrorists while they have been on a bloody rampage too destabilise governments .



just imagine ( God Forbid ). That a group of rioters killed 200 policemen in say Lodon , what do you think the British Governemnts response would be ? I for one would support sending the tanks in !


Well that's exactly what happened innSyria when this all kicked off !

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Rebels = al- queda ?


You mean ?


The rebels are alqueda , that is a fact which has been talked about for over a year by some top brass .




Britain will escalate its "non lethal" support for Syria's opposition, providing body armour, medical and communications equipment worth £5 million, William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, announced on Friday.

Speaking in the Foreign Office, Mr Hague said that ordinary Syrians were "at the mercy of a regime that is hunting down its opponents". Consequently, Britain had decided to "greatly increase what we will do to support them".

This help will come in the form of "an extra £5 million of non-lethal practical assistance", including for the political wing of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the biggest rebel group. Mr Hague said this package would include medical supplies and communications equipment to "help activists overcome the regime's communications blockade".

Britain would supply mobile and satellite phones, along with radios, which "could be used to warn civilians of impending regime assaults". Equipment of this kind could also be used to coordinate military operations.

Mr Hague confirmed that Britain was in contact with the "political arm" of the FSA, but stressed that no military advice or weaponry has been – or would be – provided. "That's never been our approach in any of these conflicts in the Middle East," said the Foreign Secretary. "If we were to do that, there would be difficulties, there would be risks attached to how that equipment would be used. It would be hard to guarantee how that equipment would be used. There have been reports of atrocities on the opposition side."

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