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The British Media War against Syria

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These are the scum the UK government support.


Google ...Free Syrian Army pulls guy out of Trunk and EXECUTES him.


they are all the same and we bung them 5 million....when my bin needs emptying....let them fight it out...the olympics are nearly over...

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This is all about helping Israel,they want to destroy the close friendship of Syria and Iran so they can move more freely when it comes to attacking Iran.

That's why the US is giving all the money too,its all about getting rid of Israeli enemies one by one.

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Just noticed that over the last year and half the BBC and many other media outlets have been given a DAILY tally on the number of people killed in Syria.


Now this may seem normal unbiased reporting but take this into account :

Corporations such as the BBC have never or hardly ever given a total death count in places such as




Libya etc



Yet when it comes too Syria we get a tally every year ( estimated 20,000 as of today )



Yes I acknowledge that some times the media does say the numbers are hard to verify etc - But then why give the ESTIMATE every day , if it's not reliable ?




Now here is the MOST disturbing part of this modern day story :


The BBC use ONE source for their daily tally for the people killed in Syria .

This source is


" the syrian observorty for human rights ". You may have heard of them as the BBC and tabloids use this agency .


Who are what is this source ?


This source , THE source the BBC uses on a daily basis is ONE man called abdul Karim . He works from his conventry sitting room . Yes that's right,!


The head quarters of the Syrian observorty of human rights is some ones living room in Coventry UK .

My Abdul real job is selling clothes and has a shop down the road from his home .


Now this is True and factual information above .


The question is why a multi billion pound world wide corporation such as the BBC is using such shocking reporting tactics ?




Syria is ( or rather was ) the most diverse tolerant nation on this planet , A mixing pot of all religions sects colours .


What planet are you on by saying "Syria is ( or rather was ) the most diverse tolerant nation on this planet , A mixing pot of all religions sects colours" . Ok maybe the BBC's source material isnt up to scratch. However I saw actual pictures of women and Children murdered by this regime. To say Syria is tolerant after the distressing pictures I saw is ridiculous.

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What planet are you on by saying "Syria is ( or rather was ) the most diverse tolerant nation on this planet , A mixing pot of all religions sects colours" . Ok maybe the BBC's source material isnt up to scratch. However I saw actual pictures of women and Children murdered by this regime. To say Syria is tolerant after the distressing pictures I saw is ridiculous.

It's not their country that's bad, it's their leaders

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