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Disability Sport Research

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Hi, anybody out there who is interested in taking part in my study as part of my final year university project. My name is Paul Marples and I am due to start my final year at Derby University in September. I am studying sport science with a view to become a P.E teacher. Having worked in this field through coaching and assissting teachers, my project seeks to determine the barriers to sporting participation for disabled people aged 5-17 years. I am therefore inviting anyone with a disability or anyone involved in disability sport to take part.

My aim is to understand the most predominant barriers to sport participation. Previous research has shown that transport, cost, attitudes of others, access and activity seclusion have figured in non participation. I attempt to take this further and expose the state of Sheffields disability sport provision.

Data collection is due to begin in September and all documents will be administered should anybody be willing to take part. All information shared is safe and no personal details are required.

Please feel free to contact me at pamarples@hotmail.co.uk for more information.

Many thanks, Paul



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