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What happened to our fine old city?


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Are you old enough to remember Sheffield as it was so long ago? I probably have no right to comment on it because I left it 37 years ago. But my roots are there, my mom and dad and my grand parents are buried there. I believe it is almost unrecognisble today. Have the smells of Tennants brewery, and Lyons coffeee house on Fargate gone forever along with the smell of leaking gas from the bomb graters Hitler left us with.

But I think what I miss most is the pride of a city that made the finest steel and cutlery in the world, and those who made it happen. Certainly the city has suffered from a world that is looking for the cheapest way to live. After all do you need a quality knife and fork to eat, no you can use your fingers, and basically, thats the way the world thinks today and unfortunatelay, that includes today's Sheffielders.

This is and never was a University city, though we were always proud of what SU did in metallurgy and glass technology and other things. This was a city of artisans, technologists, and enineers. This city created the first metals that could be used in jet engines at the temperatures they could sustain.

This city today is full of undergrads who contribute nothing but dissent and no cures for its ills. If you disagree you can email me at grdtay@aol.com and state your case,

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what about the running out of the iron ore, surely thats a reason why it is less of a steel city? it is still a steel city to a much smaller extent as recycled metals are ofcourse used.


not a fan of your dig at the undergraduates perhaps their fees contribute to some of the outstanding archetecture thats built/being built. the hallam uni area is looking awesome.


I've got more of a problem with old people, they're the ones that don't add anything to the city.

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As soon as I could after leaving school in the 60s I went into

Sheffields World Famous Steel Industry

There I remained till it got Thatchered along with the Mining



Thatcher did more damage to Sheffield than Germany did in 2

World Wars

That's what's happened to Sheffield & it will never recover

what are we World Famous for now?:rant:

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Ols people made their contributions years ago They fought and died as my grandfather did in Flanders for you to enjoy putting them down. Someday in the not too distant future you will join them, but what will you be proud of contributing. Let me guess... Nothing!

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It's called change and it happens.


You chose to leave this City, just like I chose to move here.


I came here when it was economically derelict after the steel industry had been destroyed. The city may well have been a city of engineers and craftsmen, just as my home town was a Coal town. Unfortunately, the world economy made sure that those options were no longer available.


People in this city have built up the place again since the 1980s, and are still building it. Do we have to be famous? I'm proud of my City and I have no doubt that those much maligned undergrads (many of whom choose to stay here and contribute to the economy of the city) will do much to make this city world famous again.


Just as older people made their contributions, younger people (including me at 44) are continuing to make them today. My grandfather also fought in Flanders, and my mother was involved in the defence of Sheffield during the Blitz as a 'fire watcher'.


I'm not going to e-mail you - I doubt anything I write would change your mind, but I think it's worth posting here that I am proud and honoured to call Sheffield my 'adopted home' town.



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For all the evils Thatcher ( the milk snatcher) has, the mechanisation of the steel industry is not one. Sheffield's steel industry hasn't been shut down, Sheffield makes just as much steel today as it ever has.


Am I alone in thinking that it is ridiculous for someone to complain about the state of Sheffield, even though they haven't even visited Sheffield for 37 years.


Buck, why don't you visit? You may be surprised. What was one of the most polluted city is now the greenest city in England. It has the most mature trees in it's boundry than any other.


I do not think for one minute that you can blame undergraduates for what you percieve as Sheffields problems.

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