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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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Three women from Russian feminist punk band Pussy Riot remain in jail looking at a three year stretch for the 'crime' of singing in a Cathedral. Ok, it was a 'punk prayer' to the Virgin Mary asking her to get rid of Vladimir Putin, but still.


Madonna spoke up for the women at her Moscow show - and performed 'Like a virgin' wearing Pussy Riots trademark balaclava and has earnt an extraordinary rebuke from deputy PM Dimirty Rogozin which effectively called Madonna an 'ex whore' and instructed her to take off her cross or put some knickers on.


Have the Russian authorities prosecuting these women any notion how backward they look?

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Three women from Russian feminist punk band Pussy Riot remain in jail looking at a three year stretch for the 'crime' of singing in a Cathedral. Ok, it was a 'punk prayer' to the Virgin Mary asking her to get rid of Vladimir Putin, but still.


Madonna spoke up for the women at her Moscow show - and performed 'Like a virgin' wearing Pussy Riots trademark balaclava and has earnt an extraordinary rebuke from deputy PM Dimirty Rogozin which effectively called Madonna an 'ex whore' and instructed her to take off her cross or put some knickers on.


Have the Russian authorities prosecuting these women any notion how backward they look?


punk band sing in church...how times have changed....look likes putin has got rid of them...

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It does seem an extrodinary harsh sentence handed down to the women, and I think the judgement will backfire on the Russian authorities.

Though the cynical side of me does wonder whether Madonna would have joined in the protest had the group not been called 'Pussy Riot'

Edited by Mister M
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Celebs meddling in foreign affairs. Bit rich to go somewhere, take their money and tell them they need to act differently. Madonnas statement would've carried more weight if she cancelled her tour in protest. Maybe that would've inspired her fans to do something about it. In Israel we are used to musicians cancelling their tour dates on moral grounds. In fact it's a surprise that any come at all. (Madonna is not one of them obviously, as she has house here. Haha. Pick and choose liberals- gotta love em.)

although it usually brings anger towards the musician it also highlights the pig of a situation people are living in.

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It does seem an extrodinary harsh sentence handed down to the women, and I think the judgement will backfire on the Russian authorities.

Though the cynical side of me does wonder whether Madonna would have joined in the protest had the group not been called 'Pussy Riot'


These days Madonna would turn up to the opening of a crisp packet if it got her in the headlines.

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Celebs meddling in foreign affairs. Bit rich to go somewhere, take their money and tell them they need to act differently. Madonnas statement would've carried more weight if she cancelled her tour in protest. Maybe that would've inspired her fans to do something about it. In Israel we are used to musicians cancelling their tour dates on moral grounds. In fact it's a surprise that any come at all. (Madonna is not one of them obviously, as she has house here. Haha. Pick and choose liberals- gotta love em.)

although it usually brings anger towards the musician it also highlights the pig of a situation people are living in.


I disagree. I think she's used her fame in a positive way here, by pointing out how atrociously badly the Russians have behaved in their response to political dissent.

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Three women from Russian feminist punk band Pussy Riot remain in jail looking at a three year stretch for the 'crime' of singing in a Cathedral. Ok, it was a 'punk prayer' to the Virgin Mary asking her to get rid of Vladimir Putin, but still.


Madonna spoke up for the women at her Moscow show - and performed 'Like a virgin' wearing Pussy Riots trademark balaclava and has earnt an extraordinary rebuke from deputy PM Dimirty Rogozin which effectively called Madonna an 'ex whore' and instructed her to take off her cross or put some knickers on.


Have the Russian authorities prosecuting these women any notion how backward they look?

You only posted this so you could use the word pussy.

Go on admit it!!!!

You have a point though. They should be released asap!!!

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It totally doesn't need to be a 3 year stretch, but, if I've read all this right it was right in the middle of a church service. Now obviously if I did this in a CofE church the rev would no doubt join in with a tambourine. However if I did it in a catholic church, synagogue or mosque, the police would be called and Id, rightly get hauled over the coals.

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come on then lets have the best Sun type headline if they are jailed


Purring Pussy Prisioned


Prudes Prision Pussy


Putin Prisions Pussy


Pussy Riot Quiet

Edited by choogling
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