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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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It comes down to the old adage, if you can't do the time don't do the crime. What did they expect really ?


If you think the song was harmless, translate it to English, swap Putin for Cameron and give it to 4 balaclavad performs and trott on down to westminster abbey, or if you are really brave try a catholic church or synagogue or mosque.


Let us know how you get on.


It won't be 3 years (which I agree is a stupid amount) but you'll get something.


Trespassing at worst, and I doubt even that.


If these girls were prosecuted with trespassing, and criminal damage if there was any, then fine. But they have basically been stitched up for showing disrespect for "those that must be obeyed". Dangerous nonsense.


So far the statements of 'evidence' have been purely subjective consisting of 'blasphemy', 'insults to belief', 'improper dress', 'playing music in a church', 'didn't "cross themselves" in the church', 'taking photographs', etc., etc. It's just pure nonsense. It's all about control, and crushing dissenting voices.

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Trespassing at worst, and I doubt even that.


If these girls were prosecuted with trespassing, and criminal damage if there was any, then fine. But they have basically been stitched up for showing disrespect for "those that must be obeyed". Dangerous nonsense.


So far the statements of 'evidence' have been purely subjective consisting of 'blasphemy', 'insults to belief', 'improper dress', 'playing music in a church', 'didn't "cross themselves" in the church', 'taking photographs', etc., etc. It's just pure nonsense. It's all about control, and crushing dissenting voices.


As I said, until somebody in this country tries it (and I reckon breach of the peace would be a shoe in) we'll never know. Its odd nobody has yet.


It might be about control, in fact it probably is, but these girls don't want to stand up, do the years and make a statement. They want to be let off.

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[They ...] started prancing around much to the distress of the congregation.

It does sound distressing, when you phrase it like that.


[...] these girls don't want to stand up, do the years and make a statement. They want to be let off.

Who does want to serve 3 years in prison for a law as silly as 'offending a religious belief'? They should be let off because the law is stupid. They've hurt nobody. They've sung a song in a church, with a bit of prancing, and 3 years is an insane punishment. It's deplorable.

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Have some people forgotten which Country it is.You don't mess with Russia.


And these girls want to change it, and are prepared to go to jail in the process, and have my admiration for that ... even if they are a little naive and/or stupid. But good for them nonetheless.

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And these girls want to change it, and are prepared to go to jail in the process, and have my admiration for that ... even if they are a little naive and/or stupid. But good for them nonetheless.


Its very sad they have been given such a harsh sentence,but i'm not surprised.

They were very naiive, especially those mothers of young children.


I don't think Madonna, MaCartney and company helped either, they might even have made the matter worse. Russia does not take kindly to Western interference.

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Its very sad they have been given such a harsh sentence,but i'm not surprised.

They were very naiive, especially those mothers of young children.


I don't think Madonna, MaCartney and company helped either, they might even have made the matter worse. Russia does not take kindly to Western interference.


They've not been sentenced yet.


Being naive is not a crime.


Madonna, McCartney et al is not Western interference. If it is seen as such, that that just shows the petulant nature of the power system in Russia and the need for more naive, but brave, people like these young women.


BTW, I had to smile on reading a quote from one of the Church's supporters outside the court when he said, "shouting and screaming and spreading hate in Church is unacceptable and is contrary with Christian ethics". Clearly he thinks that sending these girls to prison is. Where has the Christian attribute of "forgiveness" vanished to in all this melee?

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