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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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If it is as simple as Pussy Riot using free speech in a country where your not allowed to complain about anything then this is very sad.


What worries me more is that the UK is rapidly becoming like this. How long will it be before we get locked up for uttering things you can't get away with saying on SF lol


You seriously think the UK is "rapidly becoming like Russia"? :hihi:

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Go ahead vent your spleen. I'm sure you must be dying to. No one will throw you in prison for doing so either.

You're very quick to use the word bigoted considering some of the ignorant past comments including what you consider (from your high perch of cultural superiority) that every American speaks like an uneducated hick


Yeehaa Boys, it's the Straw Man Kid. Y'all gonna tell me exactly where and when ah sayed 'every American speaks like an uneducated hick', or are ya yeller?


I think you might be confusing yourself with 'every American.' But then you generally come across as a fairly confused and self-contradictory type person, so no suprise there.

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I just pointed out that the OP wouldn't have started the thread, and been as outraged, if it had have been in a Mosque. Its about hypocracy.



If you could try to get over your love affair with Halibut and try to look at the picture in hand rather than one upmanship, the thread might progress.


The thread isn't about Muslims, Jews, ****'s, women's institute or whatever unrelated crap you want to throw into the equation to satisfy your bigoted misogynistic racial hatred. It's about young women who are prepared to stand up against a pseudo state run by a narcissist. You may find that stupid, naive or whatever dipstick sentiment you wish to throw at them, but believe you me THEY live in Russia, not you. As women they have more spine than you could ever wish to dream for. What galls you and your cronie posters is that those having a stab at the state are women. Get over it, their balls are bigger than yours.

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Yeehaa Boys, it's the Straw Man Kid. Y'all gonna tell me exactly where and when ah sayed 'every American speaks like an uneducated hick', or are ya yeller?


I think you might be confusing yourself with 'every American.' But then you generally come across as a fairly confused and self-contradictory type person, so no suprise there.


Just proves what I posted earlier. You're so out of it that you cant see your own ignorance or remember your own sorry posts :hihi:

I've had my say. Dont want to ruin the thread so get lost wind up pin head

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You seriously think the UK is "rapidly becoming like Russia"? :hihi:


I seriously think there has been a decline in freedom of speech :hihi:


Take the twitter arrests and prison sentences for example. Of course you can dump all over the government and they don't bat an eyelid. But speak up about some genuine concerns and whoomp, you land your self in jail. :hihi:


Sad but true. The UK is becoming a sad little joke, that is heading straight down the pan. :hihi:


Oh the laughing smileys are for your own amusement.

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Anyone would think the communists are still in charge. Perhaps they are.


They are here, they are there, they are absolutley every where. One of many with a mind still set on world domination. No matter how crappie they make it for every one else.

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If it is as simple as Pussy Riot using free speech in a country where your not allowed to complain about anything then this is very sad.


What worries me more is that the UK is rapidly becoming like this. How long will it be before we get locked up for uttering things you can't get away with saying on SF lol



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Just proves what I posted earlier. You're so out of it that you cant see your own ignorance or remember your own sorry posts :hihi:

I've had my say. Dont want to ruin the thread so get lost wind up pin head


No, it just prooves that you are a liar.

The fact you can't come up with a valid criticism without resorting to making up lies about me speaks volumes.


I never said that. I know that, because it's not what I think, and it's far more the kind of ignorant sweeping genarlisation you come out with than anything I'd ever dream of saying.


So there you go Liarman.

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I seriously think there has been a decline in freedom of speech :hihi:


Take the twitter arrests and prison sentences for example. Of course you can dump all over the government and they don't bat an eyelid. But speak up about some genuine concerns and whoomp, you land your self in jail. :hihi:


Sad but true. The UK is becoming a sad little joke, that is heading straight down the pan. :hihi:


Oh the laughing smileys are for your own amusement.


When I see peaceful protesters being arrested by the police in the streets of England I'll believe it.

I remember seeing London police behaving with restraint during the riots whereas in some other places in the world they would risk having their heads bashed in

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