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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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They'll not be rushing to slag anyone off in the near future and then when they get out I would imagine they will fade into the obscurity their foolishness has earned them.

It seems as most pro posters on here seem to forget Russia is not Britain,like em or hate em their rules and laws differ to ours,the same posters are very quick to defend Islamic countries and their laws as being no business of ours...maybe its time to stop being so hypocritical and remember the times when you have stated the same to protect certain factions, funny but I dont see them disagreeing with the statements on what would happen if they had done what they did in a mosque..they would probably have condemned the singers as Islamaphobists and called for their "heads"..so to speak.

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They'll not be rushing to slag anyone off in the near future and then when they get out I would imagine they will fade into the obscurity their foolishness has earned them.

It seems as most pro posters on here seem to forget Russia is not Britain,like em or hate em their rules and laws differ to ours,the same posters are very quick to defend Islamic countries and their laws as being no business of ours...maybe its time to stop being so hypocritical and remember the times when you have stated the same to protect certain factions, funny but I dont see them disagreeing with the statements on what would happen if they had done what they did in a mosque..they would probably have condemned the singers as Islamaphobists and called for their "heads"..so to speak.


Maybe its time you read the thread, where all these issues have already been discussed at some length.

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There are numerous posters who see it almost as there full time job to compose posts complaining endlessly about Islam and Muslims.


If there were any more posts about the 'evils of Islam', I think the administrators might seriously have to think about changing the name to Sheffield Anti-Islamic Forum.


Not wanting to be associated with this shrill - often ill informed - and obsessive cacophany, does not neccessarily indicate that any poster hypocritically approves of, or turns a blind eye to oppression in Islamic cultures.


Blimey I never mentioned anything negative about Islam. Just hypocracy of some.


If you could try to get over your love affair with Halibut and try to look at the picture in hand rather than one upmanship, the thread might progress.


The thread isn't about Muslims, Jews, ****'s, women's institute or whatever unrelated crap you want to throw into the equation to satisfy your bigoted misogynistic racial hatred. It's about young women who are prepared to stand up against a pseudo state run by a narcissist. You may find that stupid, naive or whatever dipstick sentiment you wish to throw at them, but believe you me THEY live in Russia, not you. As women they have more spine than you could ever wish to dream for. What galls you and your cronie posters is that those having a stab at the state are women. Get over it, their balls are bigger than yours.


So much anger is not healthy. It was a fair point..:hihi:

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When I see peaceful protesters being arrested by the police in the streets of England I'll believe it.

I remember seeing London police behaving with restraint during the riots whereas in some other places in the world they would risk having their heads bashed in


I already posted a link about 2 people being arrested on their way back from what was essentially a holiday. I've also been arrested numerous times for peaceful protest, in fact peaceful protest is often more likely to lead to arrest due to the passive nature.


Try looking at the EDO campaign in Brighton, in particular the elderly and rather well-to-do supporters who are trailed, shadowed and intimidated regularly

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Maybe its time you read the thread, where all these issues have already been discussed at some length.

Iv read it and havent seen much evidence of your claims except a post by you doing just what Iv stated,condemning a foreign countries legal recourse,you seem to forget that in some countries slagging the leaders off would have cost them their lives,I think they have come out of it pretty good, its not all that long ago if they had insulted a leader in old Communist Russia they would probably have vanished on their way to the Siberian salt mines I think the Russian legal system has,by this,shown vast improvement on its recent past.

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Iv read it and havent seen much evidence of your claims except a post by you doing just what Iv stated,condemning a foreign countries legal recourse,you seem to forget that in some countries slagging the leaders off would have cost them their lives,I think they have come out of it pretty good, its not all that long ago if they had insulted a leader in old Communist Russia they would probably have vanished on their way to the Siberian salt mines I think the Russian legal system has,by this,shown vast improvement on its recent past.


After being forced to sit out one term during which he ruled via his weak and compliant puppet, the ex KGB ghoul Putin has changed the law so he can stay in power indefinitely. His first act on being 're-elected' was to introduce a whole raft of laws designed to clamp down on all opposition and effectively outlaw protest.


Yeah, things are going great in Russia, and if there are people over there willing to risk life and liberty opposing totalitarianism, we should condemn them, give support to their oppressors and accuse posters of being hypocrites because they aren't condemning Islam on a thread about Russia.

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its not all that long ago if they had insulted a leader in old Communist Russia they would probably have vanished on their way to the Siberian salt mines I think the Russian legal system has,by this,shown vast improvement on its recent past.


Yes Siberia,where thousands starved or froze to death,and many of them poliical prisoners.


I hate the harsh punishment the Pussy girls were given,i think they should have been fined,but why did the girls choose a Cathedral to make that protest,a church that was once like many more (including the one in St Petersburg) closed down by Stalin.

Didn't they have any respect for those people of their grandparents generation who were punished and imprisoned for protesting against that kind of religious oppression,many of who were atheists.

Edited by janie48
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Did they know what they might get?


If not, why not?


Are they as thick as 17 wooden lavatory seats nailed together?


The Soviet State has been renowned for harshness since Joe Stalin (or perhaps a bit before.)


I don't live there .


You don't live there.


So neither of us knows what happens there.


They do live there and there is at least some indication that they knew they might get in a lot of trouble for what they did.


Knowing that they could end up in a deal of hurt, they did it anyway.


Does the word ' Recklessness' mean anything to anybody?


They've been punished harshly,


But they saw it coming. (Or - if they had an IQ of above about 90 - should have done so.)

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