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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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Or extremely naive, maybe rupert needs 2yrs in a cell to teach him the "old boy network" is under threat.....



.....from Pussy :hihi:


According to some of the posts on here, it sounds like these were just women with tourettes syndrome who liked dressing up and happened to stray into a cathedral.

Edited by donkey
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It wasn't by accident that these girls chose this Cathedral. You may recall that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is the guy with the 30,000 EUR watch, and it has been claimed that he is in the pockets of Putin and the chief of the Moscow police. He went to see both of them to demand the arrest and prosecution of Pussy Riot.


I suspect the the closeness of the Russian Orthodox hierarchy to the Putin regime is precisely why they chose the Cathedral. The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, demolished by Stalin and recently rebuilt (allegedly with help from the Russian mafia) is deeply symbolic both of the reemergence of Orthodoxy after the collapse of Soviet communism and of the unhealthy closeness between the church hierarchy and the Kremlin. The Pussy Riot "prayer" called upon the Virgin Mary to cleanse Russia of Putin, and the women in their statements to the court repeatedly criticised the links between Orthodox hierarchs and the government, especially the way in which Putin has used the religion for his own political benefit.


It took many years for the Russian Orthadox church to establish a closeness with the Kremlin,they are not going to let go of it too easily now after trying for so long.


I don't know what the hierarchy of that church are like,its not them i'm concerned with, its the ordinary people i'm thinking about,it took them a long time to get their freedom to worship back, and they deserve to be able to attend their church without disruption.

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How so? I'm not the one advocating imprisonment for offending people's morals.




Point spectacularly missed there. Maybe that hat of yours is causing you brain to overheat? :D


Sorry, the last line in your post where you inferred that people who were offended (51% of the Russian public and large chunks of the Russian orthadox church who have forgotten more about oppression than you will ever know) Brainwashed idiots.


If I've got that wrong I appologise. Late night and all that.

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Sorry, the last line in your post where you inferred that people who were offended (51% of the Russian public and large chunks of the Russian orthadox church who have forgotten more about oppression than you will ever know) Brainwashed idiots.


If I've got that wrong I appologise. Late night and all that.


51% of the Russian public? Does that give them the controlling share in moral outrage then?


But seriously don't believe everything you read. Did you know that 73% of statistics are innacurate to an average degree of 62%?

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According to some of the posts on here, it sounds like these were just women with tourettes syndrome who liked dressing up and happened to stray into a cathedral.


If their own little darlins got bullied (let alone sentenced) they'd be squealing like pigs and asking for the offending bullies to be given a damn good thrashing, at the least.

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51% of the Russian public? Does that give them the controlling share in moral outrage then?


But seriously don't believe everything you read. Did you know that 73% of statistics are innacurate to an average degree of 62%?


Why can't you accept that people, certainly older people who would have possibly seen friends and family dragged off to gulags for just wanting the Russian orthodox to exist, be offended ?

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But you are totally misconstruing what this case was about. The fact that the protest at the centre of the prosecution had very relevant political symbolism concerning the ever greater involvement and support of the Orthodox Church in the increasingly tyranical and autocratic regime of Putin.


Comparing it to people randomly shouting things in public which are illegal on the grounds that they are obscene and/or promote religious or racial hatred shows either that you don't really grasp the subtleties of this case, or that you are being extremely disingenuous.



No I am not.


You live in the UK.


You are applying your rules.


The people who were offended by the display (and I've no idea how many there were ) don't live in the UK.


they live in Russia. They are now (after very many years of persecution) permitted to attend their religious services in their churches.


They are not allow to go an '**** in a fountain'or '**** in a shopping centre'- such behaviour might (indeed ) be classed as 'hooliganism'.


But 3 girls can just walk into a church - a church which has nothing to do with them - and commit an act of 'hooliganism'?


Why should they be allowed to get away with it?


You live in multi cultural (and immensely proud of it) England.


IF I ( and 2 other girls) went into a mosque in the UK and said : "F**** A**** F*** All you Yurpans, You're not worht F***** worth think*** about***


What would happen if we did that in Saudi Arabia?


I'm not a Muslim. But if you deliberatley insult Islam in my presence, you are going to really pi88 me off!


But it's OK to pi88 off Christians?


The only courts which can afford 9acceptable) punishments are UK courts?


Had these girls done what they did in the UK then - provided they did it in a Christian church and not a church of one of the many other cultural persuasions then they would probably have got a way with it.


So why didn't they?


How much publicity do you get from pratting about in an English Cathedral?


You tell me.


They did the sums.


Do the crime, serve the time.

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No I am not.


You live in the UK.


You are applying your rules.


The people who were offended by the display (and I've no idea how many there were ) don't live in the UK.


they live in Russia. They are now (after very many years of persecution) permitted to attend their religious services in their churches.


They are not allow to go an '**** in a fountain'or '**** in a shopping centre'- such behaviour might (indeed ) be classed as 'hooliganism'.


But 3 girls can just walk into a church - a church which has nothing to do with them - and commit an act of 'hooliganism'?


Why should they be allowed to get away with it?


You live in multi cultural (and immensely proud of it) England.


IF I ( and 2 other girls) went into a mosque in the UK and said : "F**** A**** F*** All you Yurpans, You're not worht F***** worth think*** about***


What would happen if we did that in Saudi Arabia?


I'm not a Muslim. But if you deliberatley insult Islam in my presence, you are going to really pi88 me off!


But it's OK to pi88 off Christians?


The only courts which can afford 9acceptable) punishments are UK courts?


Had these girls done what they did in the UK then - provided they did it in a Christian church and not a church of one of the many other cultural persuasions then they would probably have got a way with it.


So why didn't they?


How much publicity do you get from pratting about in an English Cathedral?


You tell me.


They did the sums.


Do the crime, serve the time.



But, as a Catholic, don't you believe they will be going to hell? That's what I had rammed down my throat at a young age whilst in the clutches of those dreadful zealots. Everyone is a sinner and unrepentant sinners burn in hell. I diverge here, but I don't see any Catholic clergymen going to jail for the moral offence they have caused me and millions of other people.


But anyway: "Vengance is Mine" Who said that? I remember, it was the Lord. If these girls are going to hell anyway, why would any genuine Christian want to see them punished further while they are still alive? Or are you less interested in these shallow theological paradoxes, but more attracted by the unfounded sense of hypocritical moral outrage Catholicism and other fundamentalist sects - such as the Russian Orthodox Church - seem to encourage their followers to adopt.

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