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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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It wasn't in a Mosque you moron and if it was i'd be up there squealing like a pig with you for differing reasons, the only difference is you have a racial issue and I have a state/religion one in this instance.


I'm sure you could start your own thread on Mosques and those who disrespect by protesting. You know you want to.

It might not make a jot of difference to me or you, but if it was a mosque in some Islamic state I wouldn't be surprised if some of the critics of the girls here would mysteriously change their opinions. They would be "brave" then, such is the human sectarian mindset.

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A good post, but I disagree with a lot of it. Can't speak for anyone else but I think you might be under a bit of a misapprehension.


The Russian orthodox church doesn't rise, fall or exist on their leaders alone. Forget about them. They seem pretty seedy and up to their armpits in all sorts. But the church (or any religious organisation) isn't about the leaders it's about their followers. You can't tarnish them with the same brush. They have every right to be offended, and not mocked for it. It was swearing in a place of worship and, certainly the elderly, will be offended and want them punished. That doesn't make them brainwashed or have small brains.


We can go back and forth about the sentencing, which is harsh the fact that Putin might wear a different suit but he's still a secret policeman at heart, running a fake democracy or the fact pussy riot should have known what was coming the moment they thought up the idea. It doesn't give you the right to judge people, certainly those who lived for years under soviet rule as collaborators just because they don't want people messing about in their place of worship.


I'm open to the possibility that I a under a bit of a misapprehension. In fact, I'm sure there is a lot to this I am unaware of.


To my understanding, their sentencing is politically motivated, because they criticised the legitimacy of the Putin regime. Putin wants to make an example of the girls, in order to deter any other protesters, or anything that could lead to instability, and threaten his power base.


I'm not entirely sure what role the Russian orthodox church has to play in all this; other than their protest was in a church.


Feel free to enlighten me, if I misunderstand the situation!

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It wasn't in a Mosque you moron and if it was i'd be up there squealing like a pig with you for differing reasons, the only difference is you have a racial issue and I have a state/religion one in this instance.


I'm sure you could start your own thread on Mosques and those who disrespect by protesting. You know you want to.


I must repeat, you do seem to be a very angry individual. Can't you debate the issues rather all this abuse. Which is supposed to be against forum rules, apparently. You've more froth than a rabid pint of Guinness.


I'm not against the protest, but where it was staged. The church, in Russia, may support the government, but the protest effects ordinary people, who happen to be Christian.


There is a king of cultural cowardice on show. People who get in a froth about the issue because they don't worry about offending Christians. But they disappear into the ether when Islam is the issue. They'll even go out of their way to defend it.


So to clarify. I'm pointing out that some people's views are irrelevant because they are not consistent.


I have the greatest respect for people like Peter Tachell who doesn't cherry pick issues to support. Unlike some.



One of the lyrics was 'the Lord is ****' and I expect that was meant to incite, whatever happened to religious tolerance?


There isn't any, concerning Christians.




It's not really about Nazism though...


I could have said tyrant sympathisers. I've noticed it on more that one thread here; some people are all to eager to side with and support tyrants, abusive corrupt regimes masquerading as legitimate authority; and condemn anyone who speaks out or protests against such 'authority'.


Maybe I'm guilty of judging too soon, but honestly, this is how some people come across on here, or at least, it's how they seem to my eyes. Maybe they feel that by siding with authority, it lends an air of authority to their own person? Maybe they're just so conditioned to accept authority, and to question it is wrong? I dunno.


They are people of small brain. Small fry petty tyrants themselves.


I don't think anyone has sided with the authorities in relation to the incident. Its to do with the location of the protest. Some have agreed with the sentence because this is the law of the land, which is fair enough..

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I'm open to the possibility that I a under a bit of a misapprehension. In fact, I'm sure there is a lot to this I am unaware of.


To my understanding, their sentencing is politically motivated, because they criticised the legitimacy of the Putin regime. Putin wants to make an example of the girls, in order to deter any other protesters, or anything that could lead to instability, and threaten his power base.


I'm not entirely sure what role the Russian orthodox church has to play in all this; other than their protest was in a church.


Feel free to enlighten me, if I misunderstand the situation!


I found this interesting and gives a bit of info about the Russian church involvement.



I think if they did it in a mock up church, there would be pretty much all sympathy. But they did it a church, and that's got to offend people, people who don't like Putin, and that's something pussy riots supporters need to accept.


Why churches these days ? Don't like bankers, pitch up at a church. Don't like the government ? Pitch up at a church. :D

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It's not really about Nazism though...


I could have said tyrant sympathisers. I've noticed it on more that one thread here; some people are all to eager to side with and support tyrants, abusive corrupt regimes masquerading as legitimate authority; and condemn anyone who speaks out or protests against such 'authority'.


Maybe I'm guilty of judging too soon, but honestly, this is how some people come across on here, or at least, it's how they seem to my eyes. Maybe they feel that by siding with authority, it lends an air of authority to their own person? Maybe they're just so conditioned to accept authority, and to question it is wrong? I dunno.


They are people of small brain. Small fry petty tyrants themselves.


I reacted to the Nazi term because i've heard it used by some leftie atheists before to describe all practicing christians who belong to the major religions (though not in the same context) and the nazi idiology is something i find so loathsome.


I can only speak for Christian's but they're are many political divisions,among them, right wing, left wing, or those who don't hold any extreme views and are more liberal.


My disageement wasn't with the protest,but where the protest took place, for the reasons i've stated before.

The punishment didn't surprise me because of the type of ruler Putin is, he would even have been more determined to excercise his power,with all that outside interference he objected too. I think he might be in for a shock sooner or later though, because he will have made many more enemy's now.

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I must repeat, you do seem to be a very angry individual. Can't you debate the issues rather all this abuse. Which is supposed to be against forum rules, apparently. You've more froth than a rabid pint of Guinness.


I'm not against the protest, but where it was staged. The church, in Russia, may support the government, but the protest effects ordinary people, who happen to be Christian.


There is a king of cultural cowardice on show. People who get in a froth about the issue because they don't worry about offending Christians. But they disappear into the ether when Islam is the issue. They'll even go out of their way to defend it.


So to clarify. I'm pointing out that some people's views are irrelevant because they are not consistent.


I have the greatest respect for people like Peter Tachell who doesn't cherry pick issues to support. Unlike some.





There isn't any, concerning Christians.






I don't think anyone has sided with the authorities in relation to the incident. Its to do with the location of the protest. Some have agreed with the sentence because this is the law of the land, which is fair enough..


You just sided with them right there....Again. But I suppose mental acrobatics are an essential part of trying to justify the actions of a fundamentally oppressive state apparatus.

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You just sided with them right there....Again. But I suppose mental acrobatics are an essential part of trying to justify the actions of a fundamentally oppressive state apparatus.


The only Russians that are "opressed" in Russia are anti-social anarchopunks who cause trouble.

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I know i shouldn't go off topic,and perhaps this is a question for the entertainment section,but i'm not that up to date on the music scene lately.

The Pussy riot girls are a punk band, has punk music made a revival,or are the Russians a bit behind the times?


Just a little curious thats all.:cool:

Thats the last place it ought to be on two counts..1.They supposedly were making a political statement...2.Have you heard them ?

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The only Russians that are "opressed" in Russia are anti-social anarchopunks who cause trouble.


Wow, how tough. Adopting a buffoonishly ignorant pose in the the name of provocation.


I've seen it all before on SF about 1,000 times though, sonny. ZZZZZZ.

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