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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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The left wing in the west had an affinity with Russia when it really was an oppressive place during the Soviet days. :suspect:


"I'd like to visit Russia one day. All that ballet and those wheat fields"


Peter Sellers the militant shop steward in "i'm all right Jack"


:hihi: :hihi:


Comedy closer to the truth than you'll ever know

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Russia - the 19th century with added rape porn. They'll be trying people for witchcraft next, the medieval freaks. One country to never, ever visit.


That's a bit unfair. I went when it was the Soviet Union and it never did me any harm Tsesarevich.


Mind you that was back in the days of evil Communism, rather than the lovely new Capitalist Oligarchy.

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Kind of strange, almost comic that there were many people in Western Europe who wanted a society that aped that of the Soviet Union and even more in Eastern Europe who wanted nothing more than to be free of that society and rid of the hated Russians

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The only Russians that are "opressed" in Russia are anti-social anarchopunks who cause trouble.


And those who disagree with the authoritarian govt.


You must get confused wondering which oppressive regime to support this week....is it the one who kills unionists, is it the one who jails dissidents, is it the one who supports Syria, is it China?


The lefties in the 70's and 80's were called fellow travelers because they wouldn't question the abuses in the Soviet Union but we now appear to have a new breed of Right wingers who support strong arm tactics and kangaroo courts in countries where people dare to question the status quo and ask questions about their corrupt government.


A cynical person would be led to think that there is some great conspiracy amongst the political elites to sustain their position and keep down voices of opposition.

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