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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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Thats the last place it ought to be on two counts..1.They supposedly were making a political statement...2.Have you heard them ?


Are you being sarcastic :roll:

I had a vague idea they were making a political statement i read about that in the press.

Yes i have heard them, I saw the clip of them in the Cathedral,but you can't make a judgement about the rest of their music from just seeing that.


Anyway i don't speak Russian,unless you include a few polite phrases i thought it would be wise to know before i visited St Petersburg, a City that left me with a very strong impression.

Spaseeba, Da Sveedaneeya. :)

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I had a vague idea they were making a political statement i read about that in the press.

Yes i have heard them, I saw the clip of them in the Cathedral,but you can't make a judgement about the rest of their music from just seeing that.


It was a publicity stunt and about gaining notoriety in order to promote themselves.


This is around the 3rd or 4th attempt PR have had to try and get noticed and this time it worked. The name that have chosen says it all, although I dont know why they are bringing cats into it.;)


What they have achieved is fame and a guarantee that when released they will travel the world, probably have a cd out and become rich and famous and the west fell for it, hook, line and sinker.


So was it all about Putin, free speech or themselves?

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... i visited St Petersburg, a City that left me with a very strong impression.



I understand that St Petersburg has a pretty impressive jail. - One of the worst in Russia. No more than 6 people to a one-man cell! You can get anything there ... and some of it is curable, too.


St Petersburg appears to have a thriving night life.


I've never been there - but one of my credit cards (a cloned version) did and it was used to pay for the services of a prostitute.


The bank blocked the charge, so she got screwed twice.

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Wow, how tough. Adopting a buffoonishly ignorant pose in the the name of provocation.


I've seen it all before on SF about 1,000 times though, sonny. ZZZZZZ.


surely you can see that most of the people that have the trouble in russia are the anarcist types?? degrading a sacred church and being disrepectful to the leader of the country deserves serious punishment? a shame more is not done like it in this country would solve a lot of problems and would make the people think twice?

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Apparently, the Russians imprison people for what elsewhere would be classed as minor offences.


You can be sent to prison for stealing a cell phone.


I didn't know that - but then again, I don't live in Russia.


Pussy Riot live in Russia. Is it unreasonable to expect them to know that people are sent to prison for very minor offences where they live?

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Apparently, the Russians imprison people for what elsewhere would be classed as minor offences.


You can be sent to prison for stealing a cell phone.


I didn't know that - but then again, I don't live in Russia.


Pussy Riot live in Russia. Is it unreasonable to expect them to know that people are sent to prison for very minor offences where they live?


On the other hand, they have quite "liberal" attitudes to other things in eastern Europe and no doubt Russia too. Can you imagine a student getting sent down for a racist tweet in russia ? I bet when that was going on over there were members of st Petersburg forum calling us all fascists !!!;);););)

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