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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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It was a publicity stunt and about gaining notoriety in order to promote themselves.


This is around the 3rd or 4th attempt PR have had to try and get noticed and this time it worked. The name that have chosen says it all, although I dont know why they are bringing cats into it.;)


What they have achieved is fame and a guarantee that when released they will travel the world, probably have a cd out and become rich and famous and the west fell for it, hook, line and sinker.


So was it all about Putin, free speech or themselves?

It might be difficult to be certain of what their real motives were,but would you deny that they are paying too much of a high price for their actions.

Yes actions have consequences,but the punishment should serve the crime,in this case it doesn't and i hear they are appealing,i hope they will be freed soon,but not in order to stage another protest in the church,which is the holy property of the ordinary people not the heads of the church, some of who like to think it only belongs to them and no one else.

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It might be difficult to be certain of what their real motives were,but would you deny that they are paying too much of a high price for their actions.

Yes actions have consequences,but the punishment should serve the crime,in this case it doesn't and i hear they are appealing,i hope they will be freed soon,but not in order to stage another protest in the church,which is the holy property of the ordinary people not the heads of the church, some of who like to think it only belongs to them and no one else.


Yes. Different countries - different rules. Apparently, the Russians imprison people for what (in the UK) would be considered very minor offences.


As I asked in another post: "What would have happened had they pulled a trick like that in a mosque in Saudi Arabia?" I doubt the punishment would have involved a long stay in prison. The period of imprisonment might've been quite short.


Perhaps they should've come to Sheffield and held their protest in Sheffield Cathedral? - Then we could have had a thread about it which ran to many hundreds of posts (and perhaps many parts.)

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It might be difficult to be certain of what their real motives were,but would you deny that they are paying too much of a high price for their actions.


Their real motives are for publicity.


In one previous stunt as an art group they performed an orgy in a biology lab when one was 4 weeks away from giving birth. That was a full-on no holds barred orgy in a public place.


In another they gained publicity by filming and kissing all the police officials on the Metro. BTW If they did the same in Germany or Austria their jail term would have been much higher.


As for a high price I think they got off lightly. Compare what they did and their sentence to some of the UK alleged rioters who were not involved in the riots and yet got 4 years for just posting on facebook.

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Their real motives are for publicity.


In one previous stunt as an art group they performed an orgy in a biology lab when one was 4 weeks away from giving birth. That was a full-on no holds barred orgy in a public place.


In another they gained publicity by filming and kissing all the police officials on the Metro. BTW If they did the same in Germany or Austria their jail term would have been much higher.


As for a high price I think they got off lightly. Compare what they did and their sentence to some of the UK alleged rioters who were not involved in the riots and yet got 4 years for just posting on facebook.


Why? Is criticizing Putin the greatest crime that any Russian could commit?


On second thoughts maybe it is

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Their real motives are for publicity.


In one previous stunt as an art group they performed an orgy in a biology lab when one was 4 weeks away from giving birth. That was a full-on no holds barred orgy in a public place.


In another they gained publicity by filming and kissing all the police officials on the Metro. BTW If they did the same in Germany or Austria their jail term would have been much higher.


As for a high price I think they got off lightly. Compare what they did and their sentence to some of the UK alleged rioters who were not involved in the riots and yet got 4 years for just posting on facebook.


You seem to follow this group very closely-I have never heard about this orgy business.I can see why they have earned their name.

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Their real motives are for publicity.


In one previous stunt as an art group they performed an orgy in a biology lab when one was 4 weeks away from giving birth. That was a full-on no holds barred orgy in a public place.


In another they gained publicity by filming and kissing all the police officials on the Metro. BTW If they did the same in Germany or Austria their jail term would have been much higher.


As for a high price I think they got off lightly. Compare what they did and their sentence to some of the UK alleged rioters who were not involved in the riots and yet got 4 years for just posting on facebook.

I didn't know what they had done previously,in fact i hadn't heard of them before all this. the Russian Goverment must be furious with all this Western interference,i expect they will see it as hypocrisy on our part,and distance themselves from us even more.:sad:

Edited by janie48
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I understand that St Petersburg has a pretty impressive jail. - One of the worst in Russia. No more than 6 people to a one-man cell! You can get anything there ... and some of it is curable, too.


St Petersburg appears to have a thriving night life.


I've never been there - but one of my credit cards (a cloned version) did and it was used to pay for the services of a prostitute.


The bank blocked the charge, so she got screwed twice.


The Jail i saw wasn't impressive.It was called Saint Peter and Pauls fortress.Its now a museum,we were shown cells with photographs of the early Marxist revolutionaries on the doors,some of them as young as 16.who had been executed.

As for the night life,well i was there when the City was called Leningrad,so as you can imagine the night life was quite different then,as it was before Western influence had arrived there..

Prostitution? well i don't know what the situation is like now, but it had been a massive problem before the revolution it seems as many of them were illierate and had moved to the City hoping to escape the same poverty of their peasant families,though many ended up worse off then ever were forced on the streets.

Not all the early commumist reforms were bad they improved the lives of a lot of people,they opened homes for the prostitutes to live,they were given a free education there and taught other usefull skills.

The communist system failed though in the end,and we know why that was.

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