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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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I feel sorry for the Russian people,no wonder they have so many grievances ,recent history has left its stains,it isn't surprising they are so dissalusioned.

They went through so much in the last Century with one tyranny of extremes replacing another.


In WW2 Leningrad was cut off from food supplies during a three year siege,they were starving and they're were over 3million deaths during that siege.

In an effort to crush religion Stalin had closed their churches,many revolted and a mass crowd protested outside St Peter & Pauls cathedral,they were brave to do this because they're lives were under threat and they knew the consequnces if they were arrested.

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Pussy Riot: Garry Kasparov faces jail threat over claim he bit policeman after arrest over demonstration


Garry Kasparov could be charged with an offence that carries a five year jail term after accusations that he bit a police officer during a demonstration supporting Pussy Riot.


Mr Kasparov, 49, a Russian democracy activist and former world chess champion, was one of up to 100 people detained by police close to Moscow's Khamovnichesky Court on Friday, where a judge sentenced three members of the feminist anti-Kremlin group to two years in a correctional prison colony.


Police sources told Russian media that Mr Kasparov, who claims he was talking quietly to journalists when he was arrested, could be charged with using violence against a state official, a criminal indictment that carries a maximum custodial sentence of five years, after allegedly biting a policeman's hand. Mr Kasparov dismissed the accusation as "drivel".


What was he thinking? They have their owns laws over there, and they're different. Surely he must know that if he protests against the state over there he'll end up in jail sooner or later. He's only go himself to blame. It's probably a publicity stunt, and he's trying to sell more chess boards. Blah, blah ...

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Did anyone else read that the husband of one of the girls is hoping for a revolution because his wife is behind bars?


I havn't read that,but it had occurred to me that someone else might be behind all this, someone who had initiated the plan in the church and got away with it.:suspect:

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I havn't read that,but it had occurred to me that someone else might be behind all this, someone who had initiated the plan in the church and got away with it.:suspect:


Dont tempt vResistance into the thread. He'll be saying the Americans are behind it and then post reams and reams of mind numbing tripe he pulled from Youtube to back it up :hihi:

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As for a high price I think they got off lightly. Compare what they did and their sentence to some of the UK alleged rioters who were not involved in the riots and yet got 4 years for just posting on facebook.


Are you referring to http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/aug/16/uk-riots-four-years-disorder-facebook?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487? They got 4 years for incitement to riot, which is a bit more than "just posting".

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Dont tempt vResistance into the thread. He'll be saying the Americans are behind it and then post reams and reams of mind numbing tripe he pulled from Youtube to back it up :hihi:


:hihi: I havn't ruled the Americans out.They are second on my list of suspects.

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just going back to their music and punk, im listening to their not long released ep and tbh, its crap

diy punk is known for being basic and amateurish but come on, lol

at least two of the songs have music nicked from other punk bands, the first rings a bell but i cant place it, the second is a blitz song, ive heard a rap song nick blitz music but the first time other punks lol

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