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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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Ooooo, lets express our democratic freedom by storming a cathedral and causing mayhem, while to authorities watch on and go, aaah bless. :roll:


(I never thought I'd be defending Russia!)


They didn't "storm" a cathedral and neither did they cause mayhem.


It isn't really about the girls, their singing or whether or not anyone in the congregation was distressed.


It's about Putin trying to crush and intimidate any opposition whatsoever. The man is a dangerous megalomaniac.

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Ooooo, lets express our democratic freedom by storming a cathedral and causing mayhem, while to authorities watch on and go, aaah bless. :roll:


(I never thought I'd be defending Russia!)


If a rock group had done the same thing in England and dissed Cameron would they be sentenced to years in the slammer or just handed a fine and put on probation for a few months?


There's the difference

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It totally doesn't need to be a 3 year stretch, but, if I've read all this right it was right in the middle of a church service. Now obviously if I did this in a CofE church the rev would no doubt join in with a tambourine. However if I did it in a catholic church, synagogue or mosque, the police would be called and Id, rightly get hauled over the coals.


my understanding is it was a video not an actual service?


After watching a video of them "singing" I think the Russian Police has done the world a big favour, I have a affinity with punk but that was just crap,there again it may not be a favour they seem to accomplished their aim and will no doubt have the radical left slobbering over the injustice of the detention, not realising the true agenda of what seems a fifth rate non talented group.

yeah theyre crap

it got me when ont he news it said theyd apologised, come on


A: you know the score before you do it, specially in somewhere like russia

B: stand up for your views dont apologise when you get busted

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If a rock group had done the same thing in England and dissed Cameron would they be sentenced to years in the slammer or just handed a fine and put on probation for a few months?


There's the difference


Probably not even that. Mind you our politicians have learned (hopefully) that when someone takes the pish out of you or ridicules you the very worst thing you could do is get angry/enraged/litigious about it. Because that makes you look even more of a plonker.


God, imagine what Putin would have made of Spitting Image?

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Probably not even that. Mind you our politicians have learned (hopefully) that when someone takes the pish out of you or ridicules you the very worst thing you could do is get angry/enraged/litigious about it. Because that makes you look even more of a plonker.


God, imagine what Putin would have made of Spitting Image?


The same occured to me just after I had commented earlier. There's no penalty in our society for making adverse comments about those in power very happy to say

Creating a "public disturbance" by entering a church without an invitation would be the worst they might face and let off with a verbal warning

Edited by Harleyman
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What exactly would that be then?

Durrr cheap publicity for a fifth rate nomark band...its not rocket science ,the trouble is people like you try to find some underlying assumed righteous stance in things like this,as Mr Lydon once famously said..."Ever get the feeling you've been cheated"

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Durrr cheap publicity for a fifth rate nomark band...its not rocket science ,the trouble is people like you try to find some underlying assumed righteous stance in things like this,as Mr Lydon once famously said..."Ever get the feeling you've been cheated"


Not many people risk years in prison just for "cheap publicity".


Of course there would have been no publicity whatsoever had the Russian authorities not gone overboard and put them on trial.

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