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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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So which country will you start with first and why just concentrate on one?


Russia, Iran, Egypt, GB, Israel, Syria, EAE, USA to name just a few.


There us no political repression or exclusion of potential challengers in GB, Israel, Egypt or the USA. :roll:

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Apparently, the Russians imprison people for what elsewhere would be classed as minor offences.


You can be sent to prison for stealing a cell phone.


I didn't know that - but then again, I don't live in Russia.


Pussy Riot live in Russia. Is it unreasonable to expect them to know that people are sent to prison for very minor offences where they live?



Oh, I see. It has nothing to do with your self confessed membership of that other exteremely authoritarian ancient Christian sect, with remarkable similarities to Russian Orthodoxy (eg a track record of supporting tyranical dictatorships and imposing a twisted sexual 'morality' by a mixture of brain-washing and coersion)


It has nothing to do with that at all. It's just that you are a champion of the rights of foreign countries to hand down cruel and arbitrary sentences at the behest of whatever 'strong man' happens to be pulling the strings of the puppet judiciary. I understand now.


Because earlier I thought you wanted those women punished as an example to people wishing to mock authoritarian religious power, and thereby offending the kind, forgiving followers of God's chosen patriarchs, who I thought - in fairness - wouldn't have been quite so offended , what with them being so busy loving their neighbours, turning the other cheek and generally being meek and humble.

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Whichever ask me to help.

Though unfortunately, the UK are just apathetic and have the government they deserve.

Well what government do they deserve?


A two party parliamentary system based on the Old-Boy network and brown envelopes stuffed with cash.

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What's a blind patriot? A missile with a dysfunctional guidance system? :loopy:
Thhe problem with such people as the donkey and waldo is that they must call up the perfidity of the United States at any opportunity, somehow based on the perfection of their own government and people. We are 300 million people made up not entirely of red necks in gas guzzlers guzzling down on Budweiser and Mickey Ds. Anyway, suffice it to say I'm glad I'm here and not there.:cool:
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What's a blind patriot? A missile with a dysfunctional guidance system? :loopy:
The problem with such people as the donkey and waldo is that they must call up the perfidy of the United States at any opportunity, somehow based on the perfection of their own government and people. We are 300 million people made up not entirely of red necks in gas guzzlers guzzling down on Budweiser and Mickey Ds. Anyway, suffice it to say I'm glad I'm here and not there.:cool: Edited by buck
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A two party parliamentary system based on the Old-Boy network and brown envelopes stuffed with cash.


Since you have the Labour Party and the Conservative Party that's the choice you have and the choice you live with.

You can choose not to vote at all but all that does is help the party you despise the most of the two


British politics are no worse than anywhere else and probably better than most.

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