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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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The problem with such people as the donkey and waldo is that they must call up the perfidy of the United States at any opportunity, somehow based on the perfection of their own government and people. We are 300 million people made up not entirely of red necks in gas guzzlers guzzling down on Budweiser and Mickey Ds. Anyway, suffice it to say I'm glad I'm here and not there.:cool:


Let them wallow in their own ignorance. If Donkey thinks all Americans talk like Foghorn Leghorn why bother although it's ironic that anyone from their part of the world would take the Mickey when it comes to how English is spoken anywhere else :hihi:

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Since you have the Labour Party and the Conservative Party that's the choice you have and the choice you live with.

You can choose not to vote at all but all that does is help the party you despise the most of the two


British politics are no worse than anywhere else and probably better than most.

They all should be given a gun and sent into syria

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Whichever ask me to help.



You have just hit the nail squarely on the head as in the majority of cases we intervene without being asked first and that's the problem. You expect Russia as a country to suddenly become civil when its only just stopped being Communist and has had less than 40 years to develop this far.

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That's what I mean, they can't do their job here, mind sticking their noses in others


UK Forces left Iraq just after Gordon Brown succeeded Blair as PM


All NATO forces scheduled to leave Afganistan in 2014


No involvement in Syria and no chance in the future.


Where else are they sticking their noses in?


What kind of job should they be doing considering that they have no power over economic trends and forces. The EU's economy is in the doldrums with either very little growth or no growth at all. Germany's Economics Minister has made it clear that Germany has no intention of bailing out Greece and Spain indefinitely and Germany's own economy is slowing down also because it sells 40 percent of it's products to the rest of the EU while China's slowing economy is also causing concern.


So who has the silver bullet?

Edited by Harleyman
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You have just hit the nail squarely on the head as in the majority of cases we intervene without being asked first and that's the problem. You expect Russia as a country to suddenly become civil when its only just stopped being Communist and has had less than 40 years to develop this far.


Putin's still youngish. He could be dictator for another 40 years :D

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UK Forces left Iraq just after Gordon Brown succeeded Blair as PM


All NATO forces scheduled to leave Afganistan in 2014


No involvement in Syria and no chance in the future.


Where else are they sticking their noses in?

We still have soldiers in afghanistan and we gave 5m to syrian crisis and probably more in future.. We gave millions to India despite them saying they didn't need it

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We still have soldiers in afghanistan and we gave 5m to syrian crisis and probably more in future.. We gave millions to India despite them saying they didn't need it


The 5 mil was given to arm the rebels or for humanitarian causes? If it was the latter then perhaps a pretty shrewd move.

When Assad's gone then the new government will look a bit more favourably to the west for giving that aid while remembering Russia and China as supplying the weapons that killed their fellow dissidents

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