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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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I don't particularly care which side of the pond you are on, if you cannot remain civil and on topic I will be perfectly happy to issue bans until such time as you behave in a more appropriate and civil manner.

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  • 1 year later...
theyve been freed



under a new amnesty law


Good :)


The documentary "Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer" is well worth watching. It was on the BBC earlier this year, but you can watch it for free on Youtube -




Trailer here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acMN8xUWqUQ

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If you two weren't so totally full of it, you would be able to address yourselves to what people actually say , rather than constantly resorting to inventing imagined slights to America and Americans (a nationality which neither of you belong to)


Let me make this clear, because it is obviously very confusing for you both. To point out the dishonesty and willful ignorance of certain British posters who imagine themselves to be Americans, is not the same as accusing all real Americans of those things.


If such deep levels of simple-minded self delusion were a reflection of some wider national defectiveness in the brain department, it would be we natives of the British Isles who would be the unfortunate victims of stupidity by association through national identity, much though you both like to pretend otherwise. :hihi:


BTW Buck, if you love it so much in the USA and have such contempt for the country of your birth, why don't you get T.F. off our internet forum? Aren't the Forums in the States much bigger and better? :hihi:


You pretend you don't give a monkey's about the UK or what we think, but your incessant, broken record style whinging on every thread you come on (and there are many) tells a different story.




spent a year in north america... came home.. way too false for us... the people are full of rubbish..lol.. what a place...:help: everything is ''awesome''

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Good :)


The documentary "Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer" is well worth watching. It was on the BBC earlier this year, but you can watch it for free on Youtube -




Trailer here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acMN8xUWqUQ

ta not sure ive seen that, i saw the performance / arrest thing, but not a whole hour and a half documentary about em lol

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Pussy Riot are a sad joke, and what they did was the equivelent in the UK of having sex, in a famous church, in a country where religion is valued, using the alter as a bed, as in Westminster Abbey or St. Paul's Cathedral.


Desecrating something that everyone valued highly, was the crime, was the outrage, Russia is Orthodox Christianity. Like urinating in public against the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. So was seen as an outrage to acceptable values.


We no longer have values; we have cuts, efficiencies, and know the price of things and the value of nothing, so it’s inconceivable anyone can see anything wrong with such an action. What happened to our values? What happened to fairness, when we love to victimise the helpless, murder the old in tens of thousands a year through neglect. What happened to Britain? Why is greed good? Selfishness something to emulate?


Putin restored order to Russia, where the Ideologically motivated NeoCons went over to Russia after the USSR collapsed, to make it a capitalist nation, to sell off all state monopolies, which were grabbed by gangsters, later called oligarchs, and shoved millions into poverty and near starvation, and when that failed, they tried the same in Iraq. Russia was saved by Putin, and just look at Iraq, if you want to see a nations without a real leader, just a CIA puppet running the show as in Afghanistan.


Was Putin right about Syrian rebels and saran gas? Was Putin right about diplomacy regarding Iran, as opposed to threats, sanctions, in the hope the people would overthrow the government?


Some people appear to have values, and we ridicule them because we no longer have any, outside knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing!!!

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