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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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Where in my post did I mention all women in pop music or the word whore? Untwist your knickers and wind your kneck in. Being a fan of Madonna doesn't make you defender of Russian gay rights, it just means you have terrible taste in music.

I think she should have boycotted it if it really was about the issue and not some publicity/controversial stunt to garner attention.

I think the Russian administration will pay as much attention to her outburst in this way as ours did to Sean penn on the Falklands issue.

As she owns a house in a gated community in the Negev built on lands stolen from the indeginous population (who are now forbidden to enter said community), I don't think she is in a position to comment on human rights.


Regarding the bold above plus some personal comments you made towards me on another thread: Colm, is that you!?

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By the grins on there faces they remind me of Charles Mansons girls, they won't be smiling much longer .


Someone grinning reminds you of killers?? :loopy:


You seem to be pleased about that, why? They sang an anti government song, they didn't slaughter a pregnant woman.


No they didn't and anyone with more than porridge between their ears would also come to that conclusion. Our resident bile merchant would have you believe differently though by adding subtlety blatant obviousness into the equation.


Oh come for Christ sakes.... Stop trying to read into something that's not there.


Taxman read something that was there, and pretty obvious. Less of the fake huh?


Mods, what the hell is this guy on about ? :huh:


See above, and stop whining to the mods in more faked confusion.

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After watching a video of them "singing" I think the Russian Police has done the world a big favour

If bad music was a crime, Justin Bieber would've been sentenced to death a long time ago.


Locking people up for singing in a church is awful. The irony being that the Christian thing to do would be forgiveness.




Add. I find myself mostly in agreement with Giles Fraser. Pussy Riot's crime was violating the sacred. That's what got Jesus in court

Edited by Chris_Sleeps
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The irony being that the Christian thing to do would be forgiveness[/url]

Most of them have forgiven though,and many of them were against the charges.In an interview with the husband of one of the girls it was clear that the girls were only making a political protest and the state saw this as an excuse to get in on the act.

Putin is the greater hypocrite,Russia hasn't changed all that much over the years with the state authorities still trying to excercise power and control,only this time they do it with deception in trying to make it look as if the state and church are in harmony with each other.

Does make you wonder whose using who, sometimes?

Edited by janie48
a word correction.
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Three women from Russian feminist punk band Pussy Riot remain in jail looking at a three year stretch for the 'crime' of singing in a Cathedral. Ok, it was a 'punk prayer' to the Virgin Mary asking her to get rid of Vladimir Putin, but still.


Madonna spoke up for the women at her Moscow show - and performed 'Like a virgin' wearing Pussy Riots trademark balaclava and has earnt an extraordinary rebuke from deputy PM Dimirty Rogozin which effectively called Madonna an 'ex whore' and instructed her to take off her cross or put some knickers on.


Have the Russian authorities prosecuting these women any notion how backward they look?

Interesting point of view for one with opinions such as yours. If Pussy Riot had done this sort of thing in a mosque, I feel that you would be describing their efforts as unacceptable and deserving of punishment!
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