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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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Surely not Halibut? but you make a very good point,because they're are some who think because its a Christian church why should there be any fuss,but if it was a mosque it would be outragious.


From what i gather the girls intentionally did it for mass publicity,and they certainly got that,and if the church had ignored it,it would have sent a message out that it was an acceptable thing to do,inviiting others to think they could do the same thing.

Its ridiculous to have such harsh punishments in place for such incidents though,but the girls must be very naive if they thought they're wouldn't be a price to pay.


The church did ignore it. They weren't protesting about the church. They were protesting about Putin.


They sang a protest song about their head of state who is an ex KGB thug and all round nutjob......yet there are people on this thread who seem to be on his side. It's frankly bizarre.

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Its ridiculous to have such harsh punishments in place for such incidents though,but the girls must be very naive if they thought they're wouldn't be a price to pay.


I'm sure they would have been well aware they could land themselves in serious trouble. I don't think they were naive. I think it was a brave thing to do.

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I'm sure they would have been well aware they could land themselves in serious trouble. I don't think they were naive. I think it was a brave thing to do.

I think in this case stupid would have been more to the point,even the biggest imbecile would know that the antics of a few would not harm Mr Putin one iota ergo even you must agree their actions were stupid and inconsequential in the grand state of things.

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The church did ignore it. They weren't protesting about the church. They were protesting about Putin.


They sang a protest song about their head of state who is an ex KGB thug and all round nutjob......yet there are people on this thread who seem to be on his side. It's frankly bizarre.


Why give the impression i know nothing about the protest.:rant:

Read post 46 my earlier post, As it happens the church authorities did object at first.

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I'm sure they would have been well aware they could land themselves in serious trouble. I don't think they were naive. I think it was a brave thing to do.


If they were well aware they could land themselves in trouble,they won't have been too surprised with the outcome then will they.

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If they were well aware they could land themselves in trouble,they won't have been too surprised with the outcome then will they.



Heroes are made and freedom gained from people who defied authority and knew the consequences. Lech Walesa of Poland was such a one.


I dont know if Pussy Riot will ever be comparable with Walesa but if it does start some form of protest leading to a better Russia then what's better than a rock group these days?

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Heroes are made and freedom gained from people who defied authority and knew the consequences. Lech Walesa of Poland was such a one.


I dont know if Pussy Riot will ever be comparable with Walesa but if it does start some form of protest leading to a better Russia then what's better than a rock group these days?


I'm all for girl power,but i don't think Pussy Riot could ever be compared to Lech Walesa.

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The church did ignore it. They weren't protesting about the church. They were protesting about Putin.


They were protesting about Putin were they? so why not take the protest to the Kremlin, why pick on a cathedral?


I seem to remember the occupy Sheffield movement said their gripe wasn't with the cathedral, but then it gradually became clear that they did indeed have a gripe with the church.



Heroes are made and freedom gained from people who defied authority and knew the consequences. Lech Walesa of Poland was such a one.


I dont know if Pussy Riot will ever be comparable with Walesa but if it does start some form of protest leading to a better Russia then what's better than a rock group these days?


See above.

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They knew full well they wouldn't get away with it, now there paying the price .Hope they don't get fed cat meat.

The first sentence is a statement.


Why you hope that they are "fed cat meat" is beyond me. What have they done that's wrong?

the antics of a few would not harm Mr Putin one iota ergo even you must agree their actions were stupid and inconsequential in the grand state of things.

You don't know the consequences in the "grand state of things". It could very easily be argued that without the acts of one man (Bloody Sunday - 1905), the Russian Revolution would never've been sparked. Only history can judge them as "inconsequential".

They were protesting about Putin were they? so why not take the protest to the Kremlin, why pick on a cathedral?

Why not do it at a Cathedral?

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