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Pussy Riot - set them free!

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They have a gripe with Putin though. Putin has put his own former KGB colleague Kirill Gundyaev as head of the Russian Orthodox Church.


So ... not that loopy afterall.


What's more. Why not a cathedral? I'm sure Christ wouldn't mind. He'd forgive them. "Let him without sin ...", etc etc etc.

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I have a gripe with Tesco and the way they operate...look out Jewsons, here I come!




What a bizarre response. (Handy tip - the 'loopy' smiley almost always, as is the case here, has the opposite effect to that intended and makes the user look foolish.)

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Very interesting reading. Yekaterina Samutsevich: Closing Statement at the Pussy Riot Trial


"I now have mixed feelings about this trial. On the one hand, we now expect a guilty verdict. Compared to the judicial machine, we are nobodies, and we have lost. On the other hand, we have won. Now the whole world sees that the criminal case against us has been fabricated. The system cannot conceal the repressive nature of this trial. Once again, Russia looks different in the eyes of the world from the way Putin tries to present it at daily international meetings. All the steps toward a state governed by the rule of law that he promised have obviously not been made. And his statement that the court in our case will be objective and make a fair decision is another deception of the entire country and the international community. That is all. Thank you."

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They were protesting about Putin were they? so why not take the protest to the Kremlin, why pick on a cathedral?

I seem to remember the occupy Sheffield movement said their gripe wasn't with the cathedral, but then it gradually became clear that they did indeed have a gripe with the church.





See above.


I dont think you can protest anywhere near the Kremlin. It's guarded by Special Unit troops goose stepping up and down in front of it.


There were protests by dissidents in the streets of Moscow some months back but Putin quickly put paid to that

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Three women from Russian feminist punk band Pussy Riot remain in jail looking at a three year stretch for the 'crime' of singing in a Cathedral. Ok, it was a 'punk prayer' to the Virgin Mary asking her to get rid of Vladimir Putin, but still.


Madonna spoke up for the women at her Moscow show - and performed 'Like a virgin' wearing Pussy Riots trademark balaclava and has earnt an extraordinary rebuke from deputy PM Dimirty Rogozin which effectively called Madonna an 'ex whore' and instructed her to take off her cross or put some knickers on.


Have the Russian authorities prosecuting these women any notion how backward they look?


I think I can sum this up best of all.....


Who cares?

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If you had an affinity with punk Glamrocker then you would understand that the point is even if they are crap they still have the right to do it. Punk is about the freedom to dress as you like and pretty much say what you want, its not just a type of music its a lifestyle.

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And if they had tried it in a mosque in Saudi Arabia, petitioning to get them released would be pointless.
Even in this country, they would probably have been either killed or beaten-up, and likely no one would have been charged over it either!
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