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Roadworks on A61 Penistone Road - potential delays

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Don't patronise me with that rubbish.As it happens, I have not had a single day off sick for over 20 years.


My point is that much of the blame /criticism is completely unjustified and from people who have very little or no knowledge of the subject in hand. The Council's officers do a very difficult and often thankless job and I can well understand that they have better things to do than try to justify their position to people like you who just want to snipe at them.


Personally I am all for having a wide and constructive debate and spreading as much information as possible, which is why I post on here.


Patronise you with what rubbish?


The truth hurts sometimes.


Fact -Several decisions by the councils planners have been overruled by independent adjudicators. You say this in your post. These decisions were made by people with supposed knowledge of the subject in hand. They made mistakes. They were wrong. Do they admit this? Not to my knowledge.


As for being patronising, can I quote two of your comments to me in your above posts:


- People like you criticise officers from a position of what knowledge?


- people like you who just want to snipe at them


Could I ask who 'people like me' are in your eyes?


PS - Good to know your in good health.

Edited by jez449
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  • 3 weeks later...
Nothing like some gross exaggeration to liven the day up, is there?


Has anyone actually been delayed by any of these works, or are you just making wild speculation?


I use the A61 every day at peak times and I haven't seen any delays at all.


Even if they are digging up a couple of the routes into city from the North, there are alternatives and people usually find them very quickly if they experience any delays.




Last two nights I have been delayed for 15-20 minutes coming into Sheffield at 7pm and 4pm. No fun after a long day at work. The planners have certainly got this junction wrong, it just is not working for inbound traffic. If Planner and the others who seem to understand the situation could try to solve this, it would be much appreciated.


Oh and as for bad, bad planning decisions. Moving peak time traffic from Hillsborough up towards Walkley, and then adding the 52 bus route is complete INSANITY. The traffic flows here are horrendous. I really do pity the people living on these roads; the noise and fumes pollution can not be good to public health. Great planning by SCC.

Edited by pippadoll
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Last two nights I have been delayed for 15-20 minutes coming into Sheffield at 7pm and 4pm. No fun after a long day at work. The planners have certainly got this junction wrong, it just is not working for inbound traffic. If Planner and the others who seem to understand the situation could try to solve this, it would be much appreciated.


Oh and as for bad, bad planning decisions. Moving peak time traffic from Hillsborough up towards Walkley, and then adding the 52 bus route is complete INSANITY. The traffic flows here are horrendous. I really do pity the people living on these roads; the noise and fumes pollution can not be good to public health. Great planning by SCC.

Strangely enough, I came through there, inbound at aprox 7.30 this evening and there were no delays.


There isn't any way to "solve" it. Put temporary signals on an extremely busy road and there will be delays. Go another way if that is a problem for you. Try a diversion via Fox Hill Road, Main Street Grenoside, Woodhead Road.


I think you will need to be more specific about what issue you are talking about with "moving peak time traffic from Hillsbourough up towards Walkley" If it's the bus/tram gates you are on about, they have been there for what 17 years? So what is suddenly the big issue?


Re 52 bus route. The operator can run whatever route they like. In any case, it's nothing to do with SCC. SYPTE are the passenger transport authority, not the Council.

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Strangely enough, I came through there, inbound at aprox 7.30 this evening and there were no delays.


It must have cleared by then, because when I've been heading home at about 6.30pm the queues in the opposite direction have been stretching to Bracken Hill.


My guess is that the timing on the lights is favouring outbound traffic to try and avoid a build-up stretching back as far as the traffic lights on Wheel Lane/Saltbox Lane.





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Planner you are so rude.

1. I did not lie about my wait 20 minutes twice this week. Only 8 minutes tonight.

2. I am at breaking point sitting in queues trying to get between Crookes and Hillsborough the traffic is unbearable. I was passing comment on planners getting it so wrong and failing to deal with decisions. And buses adding to the problem, without the council reviewing the traffic flow. It is a very real situation, 12 years on.

3. Is it possible to set up a discussion on the A61 traffic flow for commuters without this rude insulting person getting involved, so we can gave reliable updates, such as the kind poster living near.

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Planner you are so rude.

I think you are confusing rude with factual.

1. I did not lie about my wait 20 minutes twice this week. Only 8 minutes tonight.

I didn't call you a liar, I just related my own experience, which was different to yours.

2. I am at breaking point sitting in queues trying to get between Crookes and Hillsborough the traffic is unbearable. I was passing comment on planners getting it so wrong and failing to deal with decisions. And buses adding to the problem, without the council reviewing the traffic flow. It is a very real situation, 12 years on.

It's 17 years since the tram was installed, not 12.


Again you aren't saying anything tangible that anyone could put an answer to.


Traffic congestion in Sheffield is no worse than other cities of comparable size and in fact it's better than most. What exactly do you expect the Council to do about it that they aren't already doing? There is peak hour traffic congestion in every significant town and city in this country and the developed world for that matter. What makes you think that Sheffield can be any different?


Planners getting what decisions wrong, failing to deal with what decisions?


In the daytime, most bus services are run by the operators on a commercial basis. They can register and run pretty much whatever bus services they like. Sheffield Council have no say in the matter.

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If you're stuck in traffic, you have 3 options;


1. try and find a different route, either everyone else will be doing the same thing and it'll take just as long, or you'll have to go such an inventive route that it'll still take just as long

2. sit in traffic and get more and more wound up about something you have no control over

3. sit in traffic, put your favourite radio station/cd on and wait calmly.


I know which i'd rather do


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just to add pleasure to your pain, it looks like salt box road junction will shortly be dug up AGAIN - this time its the Gas renewal programme. The markings that preceed their work are all over the junction, the wheel and salt box lane. So as the tarmac from the YW works dries, the Gas people will be in to dig it up!


No further details yet but will let you know when I've spoken to a mate who lives down there and may have had a letter/notification with dates on from the gas people.


stay calm



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  • 5 months later...

As part of a £20 million scheme of work across South Yorkshire we're refurbishing large water mains to help us continue to supply the best quality water to our customers, reduce the risk of leaks and fuel the next crop of Olympic athletes in Sheffield.


We'll be coming back to the A61 Penistone Road in Sheffield (between Saltbox Lane and Bracken Hill) to disconnect and clean water mains. Work begins next week (Aug 13) and will go on for approximately 6 weeks.


We apologise for any traffic delays, but this work is essential for customers in Sheffield.


Map showing road closures, diversions and single file traffic

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