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Plain cigarette packs review ends..

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I dont know whether its the exact same people/organisations that keep getting these little victories against the tobaco industry, but every time they do get a little victory, they're never satisfied, they always use the victory to take it to the next phase, and its because their ultimate aim of course is to completely outlaw the manufacture, selling and consuming of ciggerettes in this country, and each little victory they get is a stepping stone towards that goal.


Its about time the courts/lawmakers in this country said to the anti-smoking campaigners - enough! you've had your little victories, smoking indoors in public places is banned, advertising is banned, they're not on display behind counters in supermarkets etc etc, enough is enough now...or, they just go whole hog and give them what they want which is put and end to the tabaco industry in this country.


This ongoing, step by step situation is silly.

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Its very hard to give up smoking,probably the hardest addiction of all.


No love thats crack.


Q: How many 'hits' does a smoker who smokes 20 cigarettes a day get?


A: 20 x the number of puffs ... Each lungful of smoke causes a massive spike in blood nicotine levels. 15 puffs per cigarette? - That would mean 300 hits.


How many crack users get 300 hits a day?

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I wouldn't be exactly upset if smoking was to be 'phased out'- and it could be done.


(I don't know what the minimum age for selling tobacco to youths is in the UK, but it's now 18 here.)


It is an offence to sell tobacco to somebody who is underage.


Make it an offence for somebody who is underage to buy or possess tobacco. - Not a 'hanging offence', but an offence for which a policeman (or an adult in a position of care/responsibility) could 'confiscate' the tobacco. - If you're going to have the law enforced solely by policemen, then make each offence punishable by an 'on the spot' ten pound fine.


If the minimum age is 18 this year, make it 19 next year and 20 the year after.


Eventually you will eradicate smoking.

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Q: How many 'hits' does a smoker who smokes 20 cigarettes a day get?


A: 20 x the number of puffs ... Each lungful of smoke causes a massive spike in blood nicotine levels. 15 puffs per cigarette? - That would mean 300 hits.


How many crack users get 300 hits a day?


Most smokers don't even get one hit as you put it, unless they have been deprived for a long time.

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Most smokers don't even get one hit as you put it, unless they have been deprived for a long time.


Wrong. The surface area of your lungs is approximately 2 sq metres. If you inhale cigarette smoke, the rate at which nicotine passes through the blood-air barrier into your blood is very high.


That nicotine-laden blood travels to your brain where it stimulates cholinergic neurons, causing a flood of acetylcholine, increased release of dopamine in the reward pathways of your brain and an increase in the production of endorphins.


During the period that the nicotine-laden blood is passing through your brain, you get a high. Once it passes, the high acetylcholine production reverts to normal, additional dopamine production ceases as does the production of endorphins. The high is over.


Nicotine works on the 'reward' pathways. It is a very powerful and extremely addictive alkaloid.

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I cannot see what changing the packaging will do, people will still smoke because of different reasons, they like it, it's addictive. Personally I'm an ex smoker & my wife smokes but, leave them alone I am sick of all this "passive smoking" clap trap.


I've said it before & I'll say it again stopping is EASY, it's staying stopped that's hard, what should be banned also off TV like fags, is fast food adverts.


Fast food is killing more & more people, but nobody wants that banned, plus the crap that cars spew out, nobody wants them banned. So what do they do, attack easy targets, smokers, gets off their backs

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I wouldn't be exactly upset if smoking was to be 'phased out'- and it could be done.


(I don't know what the minimum age for selling tobacco to youths is in the UK, but it's now 18 here.)


It is an offence to sell tobacco to somebody who is underage.


Make it an offence for somebody who is underage to buy or possess tobacco. - Not a 'hanging offence', but an offence for which a policeman (or an adult in a position of care/responsibility) could 'confiscate' the tobacco. - If you're going to have the law enforced solely by policemen, then make each offence punishable by an 'on the spot' ten pound fine.


If the minimum age is 18 this year, make it 19 next year and 20 the year after.


Eventually you will eradicate smoking.


Smoking will never be phased out. Some people enjoy it. Therefore, they should be allowed to do it. It's there body, their choice.


What will the government turn their attention to once smoking has been outlawed? Alcohol?? Fatty foods??

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Smoking the one of the most pointless and stupid habits known to mankind this sketch by bob newhart sums it up.


Translation: we're against the tobacco industry as the capitalist enterpises they are.


I bet you dont tell Muslims to not smoke Hookah...oh dont tell me, Hookah isn't bad for you?! :roll:

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