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Small Claims Courts

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There is only ONE small claims court. Its called court.


What made you think you could choose from multiple options? - am I getting confused with something else?


It makes no difference which court you issue in the process is idential and there is certainly no favouritism between different courthouses as differnt judges all cover the same random hearings its just pot luck.


You issue a claim at your local court or online. The court processes the matter and it is a allocated to judge in a local court either nearest the Defendnat or the Claimant - depending who the judge thinks.

If by some chance it goes to a hearing you will attend at said court and sit in a judges chambers along with your defendant and argue it out.


A Judgment will be made and you or them will be sucessful. If its you then the Defendant will be given an order to pay within a certain timescale. However, be warned that a sucessful judgment doesn't always mean you get a payment. If the defendant pleads they aint got the money or your settlement would cause them great difficulty you might just end up with a moral vicotry.


That would depend on the financial evidence and/or the judge's decision.

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I believe that if you do use a small claims court the case is heard in the locality of the defendent.

I claimed against two leading holiday companys and was successful both times, as the clerk said "They usualy settle at the 11th hour fearing bad publicity"

Edited by Tom Bailey
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