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Advice on a hybrid bike

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Hi I have a budget of four hundred pounds to spend on a good bike I will ride on road mainly but will go on woodland paths so I think a hybrid bike will be best (any different views will be welcome).

So I have a top end budget of £400 to spend can anyone help with advice or even sell me a good bike?


Ps I am also on the look out for a 16inch for a woman and a 18inch a teenager.

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Yes, get yourself down to J.E. James and get a Trek Hybrid, either a 7.2 or 7.3.


I had to get rid of my road bike because too many punctures and was fed up of not being able to go off road etc, etc and went for the Trek 7.2 hybrid which has been a fantastic bike, definitely recommended. I've done I would say about 800 miles on it with no issues, gears are fantastic and for around £400 or just below you will not get a better quality one. I had a nice ride out to Castleton on it yesterday in fact.



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