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Tricks of the dole cheats

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Apart from the title, it was a good documentary.

If using a silly title gets more people to watch and find out how the system is broken, then it has done its job.


No, it wasn't a very good documentary. In fact it was a heavily biased documentary trying to make out that what was shown was representative of the whole organisation. Utter nonsense! Yes there are some advisers that aren't doing their job properly and things that they should pick up on do slip through the net. That's unfortunate and JCP managers need to get on top of it. However, considering that what was shown were two out of over approx. 500,000 fortnightly jobsearch reviews carried out each week I tend to believe that this is the exception and not the norm. The example with the shopping list is inexcusable, however, the other example with the job applications stored on the customers phone - you can't seriously expect an adviser to read through three job applications in full on a tiny mobile phone screen? Perhaps the real fault here was not asking the claimant to print off the job applications and bring them in.


The governments flagship Work Programme has taken over most of the advisory functions that traditional JCP advisers used to do. There no mention whatsoever of this in the documentary. JCP has realigned itself in recent years to make sure that people receive their benefits on time and at the correct amount, police the benefits system, and steering those closest to the labour market to the self help channels (i.e job points, direct gov job search etc). Those needing additional help in getting job ready are handed over to the private sector providers after 6 / 12 months with JCP or for things such as CV writing skills.

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Another example of vilification of unemployed people no doubt. I wonder who is funding such measures and others, to influence public into demonising certain sections of society.


No this isnt demonising the unemployed this is demonising the criminals on the fiddle.

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No this isnt demonising the unemployed this is demonising the criminals on the fiddle.


I saw the programme and did not notice at any time the mention of criminals on the fiddle but maybe that's because it was not about benefits being fiddled.

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Hopefully DWP fiddlers, serial "disabled" claimants who in reality are perfectly fit to work.


People unnecessarilly living in subsidised rent council properties who are on decent salaries and earn more than most.


Serial breaders with multiple child benefit/tax credits who never worked a day in their lives and expect the rest of us to fund their breading habit


"carers" who are being paid thousands of pounds to look after adults with phsyical and mental health issues where the monies are going nowhere near the service user and instead are being squirrelled away in their own bank accounts.


There is plenty of darts being thrown at government and corporate scandal but some people on here need to get into their heads that "us regular people" can be just as immoral and steal, scam, cheat as much as our fat cats and politicians.


I have absolutely no problem with a few more documentaries exposing this stuff. There has already been plenty of white collar stuff broadcast but its laughable that as soon as the camera turns on what our own kind are just as capable of doing, suddently a handful of the regular SF lefties kick off.


Get real - just because its lower amounts does not make it any less wrong. There is no government cover up. No media bias. No whitewash.


Get it into your thick heads that us normal people can be just as bad and its about time the media reminded us of that.

what about the mps/well off fiddling their taxes ?or does that not bother you?
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what about the mps/well off fiddling their taxes ?or does that not bother you?


Did you not read my post. Just because I have not mentioned the MPs etc... etc... does not mean they are not to blame too. God sake READ. That's was the whole pont of my post.


YES I know the MPs, bankers etc etc have done wrong BUT so are the people who are draining the benefits system, being workshy, milking the carer payment and DLA payments.


my point is I dont see why they shouldn't be brought to light just as much as our white collar criminals.


Let me refresh you some of the key phrases I put just a mere 3-4 post ago...


There is plenty of darts being thrown at government and corporate scandal...


...be just as immoral and steal, scam, cheat as much as our fat cats and politicians.


does not make it any less wrong...

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so if you started work and earnt a wage do you think the benefits you had shouldnt be calculated together with your wage to be taxed on ? or do you think that you should have got it for free:huh:


Well how can you be taxed on something that you have not earned?????????? if I was unemployed as I am now, then I am not working to earn tax am I?????????. If I started work I would be rejoycing at not having to deal with the stupid crettins at the Job Centre anymore, it should be calculated on how much tax you have paid throughout your working life those that have not worked get nothing simple as that except those that have never contributed are getting more than others who have contributed in my opinion. I have paid tax when I was working that is the whole point of my rant on how difficult it has been for me to rightfully claim, what I am entitled too, did I say about getting anything for free?????????? re read my post and then come back when you have please.

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The programme wasn't about hating people, it was about the inadequacies of Jobcentres and the lack of real supervision and/or support given to people seeking work (or not as the case may be.)


The programme was about influencing peoples' opinions to support some form of government action. It wouldn't surprise me if everyone in the programme were actors.


Who be the next people on the hit list? Ah yes council tenants and a nice bit of social engineering by removing them for the richer areas. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-19311364

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The programme was about influencing peoples' opinions to support some form of government action. It wouldn't surprise me if everyone in the programme were actors.


Who be the next people on the hit list? Ah yes council tenants and a nice bit of social engineering by removing them for the richer areas. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-19311364


The programme I watched was mainly about pointing out the inadequacies of the Job Centre and showing how little help genuine jobseekers actually get. Not much different now to the experiences members of my family (one young graduate and one 50 something trying to get back into work after illness) in the 1990s. :roll:


With regard to the link about housing, the councils I've worked for have been in the business of selling off their 'sundry' properties for years. These are often lovely, individual properties which aren't on council estates. Some are sold on the open market if and when they become empty, but many more have been sold to tenants via Right to Buy.

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