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Tricks of the dole cheats

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Yes there are jobs advertised but how many people are going for them?????????????? errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....................THOUSANDS AGAIN I AM NOT REPEATING MYSELF LISTEN.


So you admit there are jobs?..Why do you keep saying there aren't..?

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So you admit there are jobs?..Why do you keep saying there aren't..?


I did not say there aren`t jobs, but you can apply but how many other people are out of work alot?? so it is hard to get an interview as there are many people looking for work, stop trying to cause an agrument on here please.

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I have done and some make no sense..what isn't right?


The fact that people who have never contributed are getting benefits for years on end, and others who have contributed like someone I know who worked for years get the door slammed in their face by the Job Centre, give those who have never contributed or contributed little the smallest amount is what I am saying those who have contributed more should get more help back.

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The fact that people who have never contributed are getting benefits for years on end, and others who have contributed like someone I know who worked for years get the door slammed in their face by the Job Centre, give those who have never contributed or contributed little the smallest amount is what I am saying those who have contributed more should get more help back.


How are you getting the door slammed in your face? You only pay income tax on benefits if your total earned income is well north of £7k a year. If all you are doing is claiming JSA etc then you won't pay anything - it's only if you are also earning that you will have to pay some amount of tax.

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Yes there are jobs advertised but how many people are going for them?????????????? errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....................THOUSANDS AGAIN I AM NOT REPEATING MYSELF LISTEN.


If there are thousands of people chasing thousands of jobs and the jobs still remain available then it leads to the inevitable conclusion that the people chasing are not suitable for the jobs.


The answer therefore is make yourself more suitable than the rest of the chasers. You mentioned that you were needing a GCSE in maths - that would the be first place to start and the course would be free as it's considered an essential skill. If you have that then you will find you are able to get access to a lot more jobs. Maths tuition has become a lot better recently with people actually able to teach it - it was never a hard subject (at GCSE anyweay) but it was taught woefully poorly which made people think it's hard.

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If there are thousands of people chasing thousands of jobs and the jobs still remain available then it leads to the inevitable conclusion that the people chasing are not suitable for the jobs.


It's not up to you or anyone else to decide which jobs certain should be doneby certain people though. How would like it if you suddenly became unemployed and you were told to go and work somewhere for say, the NMW with no extra benefits, otherwise your dole would be stopped? Can you afford to work on the NMW wage if you live alone? No, I suspect not, then why expect other people to? You are seeing the world through your own eyes only and are trying to paint everything the same. Life is not the same for each person.


What kind of wage does a single person require just to make ends meet? I don't know, but I reckon there are not too many wages offered in sheffield that meet that figure. It's not a question of cutting your cloth for some, when the cloth has already run out.


It's the same shortsightedness that MP said a few months back. - Unemployed people to should to move to where the work is (I think he was referring to London. So, then, if 3 million unemployed people moved to london, there would be no enemployment? And to think this person is an MP, it's crazy.

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Mecky - you've not even answered the point I raised but your imagination of the point you think I raised. That point you imagined is coloured by your usual champagne socilaist viewpoint of everything and your constant, incessant vindictive campaign that streaks through everything you post on here.


I'm still awaiting your third apology for your incessant unfounded accusations - I'll add the fourth to the list now shall I?


It is however in terms of jobs entirely up to people to decide who does what. You don't get to say job here, body here, fit into job, job filled. If only it were that easy. You fit people who can do the job into the job. If that means that people cannot be matched then guess what- the job remains open until someone who can do it applies. If you make yourself a better match for those jobs being offered guess what- you are more likley to be offered them.

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Mecky - you've not even answered the point I raised but your imagination of the point you think I raised. That point you imagined is coloured by your usual champagne socilaist viewpoint of everything and your constant, incessant vindictive campaign that streaks through everything you post on here.


I'm still awaiting your third apology for your incessant unfounded accusations - I'll add the fourth to the list now shall I?


It is however in terms of jobs entirely up to people to decide who does what. You don't get to say job here, body here, fit into job, job filled. If only it were that easy. You fit people who can do the job into the job. If that means that people cannot be matched then guess what- the job remains open until someone who can do it applies. If you make yourself a better match for those jobs being offered guess what- you are more likley to be offered them.


You mean people have to try to help themselves? That'll never do....

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