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Tricks of the dole cheats

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You mean people have to try to help themselves? That'll never do....


People can only help themselves so far unfortunately, but no man can do it all on their own. So people say they can but they know deep down they can't and it really hurts them.

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People can only help themselves so far unfortunately, but no man can do it all on their own. So people say they can but they know deep down they can't and it really hurts them.


I suspect what really hurts, or at least annoys is that I managed to go from the son of a coal miner to earning a good six figure salary precisly on my own work - no funny handshakes, no private schools, just a bit of hard study and state schooling and uni - and no need for Govt help or these union things.

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What about a new tax system that stops top earners legaly working the system?


The implication being it's OK to fiddle at the bottom because there is more fiddling at the top? Why not stop both - people get to claim what they are owed and no fiddling there, people pay tax that is due and perhaps those carping on about greed should realise that someone will always earn more than them.

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