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Tricks of the dole cheats

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I then a few weeks later recieved a letter saying that JSA was TAXABLE, YES TAXABLE, since when, when YOU ARE CLAIMING ANY BENEFIT YOU ARE NOT WORKING SO DO NOT PAY TAX. They said that I had, had £737.34 in benefits and that AMOUNT WAS TAXABLE

so if you started work and earnt a wage do you think the benefits you had shouldnt be calculated together with your wage to be taxed on ? or do you think that you should have got it for free:huh:
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so if you started work and earnt a wage do you think the benefits you had shouldnt be calculated together with your wage to be taxed on ? or do you think that you should have got it for free:huh:


The problem is the 100% Marginal Deduction Rate over the first £56/71 with just a £5 income disregard...


It destroys entirely the financial incentive to work over that initial band of earned income. Trade is organic. Small trades are made and trade grows, be it trades of labour, property derived from labour, or the property of other's labour.


The MDR should be the same as the top rate of income tax and no more. And the income disregard should at least cover a bite to eat, a pint or two and public transport to work.

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Why are people on benefits always moaning? They should be grateful to the people that do work and pay taxes so that they can afford to eat .


Everyone pays taxes, the problem is taxes fund a system that discourages work.


Benefits are effectively a negative income tax.


Withdrawal of benefits is like an income tax. And because they are withdrawn £1 for £1. Work over a certain band of income effective functions as a 100% income tax upon paid work for the worker coming off of benefits and into work. They are no better off for work.


That is the problem.


Change the MDR to 50% or top rate of income tax and work will be incentivised, it will be financially rational over low bands of income. Unemployment can become part time work, part time work can become full time work.


Rather than people effectively having their working hours dictated by the system. Going for 16/24/37.5 hours, more if possible, but banned from working everyday for long periods without a day off.

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I think it's getting more common and with the nastiness of the policies the government is proposing, I think it's set to get much worse.


Is it physically possible to starve on the lowest entitlement of benefit available?


Yes it is, people already have





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What you are entitled to in the UK if you are unemployed -


- your rent paid

- your council tax paid

- approx £300.00 a month

- free dental treatment

- free eye tests & glasses

- free NHS treatment

- free prescriptions

- Child Benefit

- Dependent's Allowance

- free school meals


A lot tougher living in some other parts of the world, you'll find.

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What you are entitled to in the UK if you are unemployed -


- your rent paid

- your council tax paid

- approx £300.00 a month

- free dental treatment

- free eye tests & glasses

- free NHS treatment

- free prescriptions

- Child Benefit

- Dependent's Allowance

- free school meals


A lot tougher living in some other parts of the world, you'll find.

MPs get all the above epcept £300 a month, they get about £20.000 a month and do nowt for it, and still fiddle and cheat. :suspect:

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Did you look, I know I did and I struggled to find one. I suspect there is not that much freedom of the press around. Are you saying it didn't happen? Are you calling me a liar?


If you cannot provide proof of your statements then I for one do not believe it happened.

People get enough money not to have to starve to death.

If anyone DID :rolleyes: then they must have spent their money on other things.

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