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Tricks of the dole cheats

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I watched a bit last night and despite the silly title, it was pretty well done and did a good job of exposing the broken Job Centre plus system - I saw three people on it


- First bloke had to write down 14 things he had done during the week to find work. In order to prove that no one ever read this he wrote down his shopping list in the space instead. He handed it over and no one read it - he was paid anyway.


- Second bloke had to apply for 3 jobs a week - he did, but changed the wording on the example letters to say things like ' Do NOT consider me for this position' - no one read them and he was paid anyway.


- Third person was a woman who had found herself an unpaid placement, which would have been useful to he getting a job. She was told that if she took that, instead of some slave labour position by an approved partner (eg stacking tat at a pound shop), her benefits would be cut.


The whole system is broken - people deliberately and obviously breaking the rules carry on getting paid, whilst someone who finds a placement gets her money taken away even though it would have been more useful than some shelf stacking slavery.


Lesson learned = there is nothing to be gained from being pro active and seeking meaningful employment if you are on the dole. Its better to put joke entries on the form rather than tell the truth.


An excellent precis

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I think you should give jobcentre workers a break.


They do a rotton job having to deal with a lot of angry / distressed / depressed people, and they are probably overworked considering the unemployment figures, the paperwork and the chaotic state of the system.


They may want to help but don't have the time, and don't have the jobs either.


They are in a pretty hopeless situation.


Aye, it is the system that is the problem.


I watched the program and didn't see any security guards in the job centre in question.

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I watched this program and am writing a letter to Ruth Owen the director of the DWP to ask her why there are so many flaws in the system, she and others have alot to answer for in my opinion.


As I saw it the biggest problem was the staff not doing their job ie actually reading what's put in front of them...

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Yes there is that as well, but the system is all wrong and there needs to be changes all round when she was being questioned about all the mistakes that were made she could not answer as there is no excuses for how flawed and corrupt the system is, like when someone said there was an advert posted on the Job Centre website and when Ruth and the man investigating looked for the job they could not find it.


Other people said that they have been treated like dirt by the Job Centre and they like me just went for help. I agree the Job Centre staff need re training as well to make sure that the correct help is given to claimants, depending on their claim and the type of help they need.

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I'd bet it's a pretty thankless job being a frontline worker in a Jobcentre these days. However, the programme highlighted for me the need for JCs to employ skilled recruiters to help people get into work. It seems very much a tick box system, which for genuine jobseekers must be extremely frustrating.


Surely it is within the capabilities of such a large organisation to recognise that a 'one size fits all' approach isn't sensible. There are those who with a modicum of help could probably find work fairly quickly. Then there are those who have been in the system for years and need a more intensive approach.

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I'd bet it's a pretty thankless job being a frontline worker in a Jobcentre these days. However, the programme highlighted for me the need for JCs to employ skilled recruiters to help people get into work. It seems very much a tick box system, which for genuine jobseekers must be extremely frustrating.


Surely it is within the capabilities of such a large organisation to recognise that a 'one size fits all' approach isn't sensible. There are those who with a modicum of help could probably find work fairly quickly. Then there are those who have been in the system for years and need a more intensive approach.


I think what people fail to understand is that Jobcentres are mainly there now for signing on. Most of their funding has been stopped and diverted to private organisations who now do much of what the Jobcentre used to do. Redundancies have been made with older employees and to cover that temp staff have been taken on.


If you ask for a CV then you will be given the address of a company that will do one for you. If you are out of work for 6 months or over you will be put on a work programme. If you want training then tough as there is very little now done through the Jobcentre.


Even though people may be on a work course they still have to attend and sign on and as most will be on a course what do the Jobcentre now need to do?


The role of the Jobcentre has now diminished in favour of private enterprise so they don't have the money or means to do what most think they should.

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I wonder which section of society will be the next target of government backed media hype hate?


The programme wasn't about hating people, it was about the inadequacies of Jobcentres and the lack of real supervision and/or support given to people seeking work (or not as the case may be.)

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I wonder which section of society will be the next target of government backed media hype hate?


Hopefully DWP fiddlers, serial "disabled" claimants who in reality are perfectly fit to work.


People unnecessarilly living in subsidised rent council properties who are on decent salaries and earn more than most.


Serial breaders with multiple child benefit/tax credits who never worked a day in their lives and expect the rest of us to fund their breading habit


"carers" who are being paid thousands of pounds to look after adults with phsyical and mental health issues where the monies are going nowhere near the service user and instead are being squirrelled away in their own bank accounts.


There is plenty of darts being thrown at government and corporate scandal but some people on here need to get into their heads that "us regular people" can be just as immoral and steal, scam, cheat as much as our fat cats and politicians.


I have absolutely no problem with a few more documentaries exposing this stuff. There has already been plenty of white collar stuff broadcast but its laughable that as soon as the camera turns on what our own kind are just as capable of doing, suddently a handful of the regular SF lefties kick off.


Get real - just because its lower amounts does not make it any less wrong. There is no government cover up. No media bias. No whitewash.


Get it into your thick heads that us normal people can be just as bad and its about time the media reminded us of that.

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