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How unfair is this government to those who want to work.

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Of course not,not everybody would want to either... :) but most people can do something better if they apply themselves and stop the negative thinking..if you really want to do something you'll find a way..if you don't wnat to do it you'll find an excuse..


hit the nail on the head.

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This is the problem, wooly thinking.


Not all people have the ability to study accountancy, that's plain silly.


And I never said they did - just "most" people. However there are far too many people out there adamant they cannot do anything other than their odl job and they are plain and simply wrong about that.

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Again. Who will pay for the training? If we're talking about the unemployed they don't have money to pay for decent courses.


That's the problem with manual and labouring jobs disappearing. There's a significant number of people who can only do this type of work.


We don't make things anymore, just import it. Apparently because its cheaper. Unfortunately, in the long run its not...or if it is its not worth the social costs, to, in particular, young people who haven't a hope..


If you are unemployed or even a low earner the state will pay for courses up to a-level, including vocational qualifications. If you haven't got any qualifications, get some.

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I hate to mention this but there are lots of graduates still unemployed with qualifications coming out of their a***


This is the result of Tony Blair's push to get 50% of school leavers into university.


If everybody trains to be an accountant or IT boffin the result will be the same. Nobody knows what to train in these days, as there are always too many chasing the same job.


I'll say it again, there are not enough jobs to go round no matter how you try to improve your chances.

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I hate to mention this but there are lots of graduates still unemployed with qualifications coming out of their a***


This is the result of Tony Blair's push to get 50% of school leavers into university.


If everybody trains to be an accountant or IT boffin the result will be the same. Nobody knows what to train in these days, as there are always too many chasing the same job.


I'll say it again, there are not enough jobs to go round no matter how you try to improve your chances.


agree completely with you.

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Its just getting tougher and tougher to make ends meet isn't it?


Everything is going up in price (apart from electrical goods of course which helps massage the inflation figures). Wages are mainly static and are generally not geared towards paying enough to have any kind of decent life. If you work full-time you should feel like you have been financially rewarded.


I'm not talking about being paid huge amounts for undemanding jobs but it should give you a quality of life that is better then being on benefits. Minimum wage jobs don't really make much difference financially compared to the dole if you include all the other things that can be claimed.


Now I don't agree with people choosing to be unemployed - people that do this for years on end should have a kick up the backside if you can show that they would have found employment if they had TRIED.


I can't see how this will improve though.

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Oh lord it's the South Yorkshire disease again...


I'm too thick to learn (but can do an easy manual job)


It's not fair people won't spend money and train me...


It's never my fault, someone else with a silver spoon took the jobs/ it can't possible be me, it could never be me, can't I just have my safe simple easy job where I moved bit of steel/bricks/widgets/crap back and forth all day long...


With an attitude like that it's no wonder South Yorks is sinking into a teminal pit of despair. It's certainly not surprising that no one will consider starting a buisness there with such a really crappy woe is me, it's all everyones fault but mine attitude. Travel just 40 miles to Leeds and the attitude is totally different, people are falling over themselves to improve their abilities and get a job.


For gods sake stop blaming other people for supposed ills, go and get some skills. Accountancy is not beyond the reach or intellect of most people for example, neither is IT, and the same for many jobs. It does generally require thinking with your brains rather than your hands but it is NOT something that is impossible to do, and it will improve your chances of employment immensly.


And with the attitude you demonstrate it's no wonder they country is in such a mess.

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