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How unfair is this government to those who want to work.

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Rules are rules - the 2 year NI contribution entiltlement to JSA (ie what you paid in to the system) in order to draw it out to qualify for JSA (Conts) fo 6 months is unfortunately a hard fact of life. If you are lucky enough to have qualified for JSA you get the conts part for the first 6 months, then it switches to JSA (Income Based) which looks at any income you have coming in, i.e a partner who works. So you are lucky to have a partner who has a job. You still need to find out what other benefits you are entitled to though for example, council tax rebate, hb, ctc, working tax credit etc.


In regards to your other comments Lisa, this is not a "new" problem. I went through all this 20 years ago, going from temp job to temp job some long term, some short term. When that ended with the first recession 1990, I did an access course at Lincs College, the obtained a place as a mature student at Sheff Uni graduating in 1997 with a 2:1 degree- with yes you've guessed it "no job". I then worked as a taxi driver for a year at night, then a cleaner, then in a factory, then a sales rep before doing a PGCE teacher training course, qualified as a secondary school teacher, only to find supply work, this lasted for 6 years, before I came to my current job working in the Jobcentre.


You are right, with determination and sticking power- you will find a job. It might not be what you want but you may get a foot in the door and an opportunity to do something else in the organisation with a positive attitude.If you are signing on, do all the courses JCP offer free under the sun. There are jobs out there, only 30% go through Jobcentreplus. You have to find them quickly and apply for them soon making sure your CV shouts out your good qualities. Forget other negative comments on here regarding the govt, cuts, agencies such as A4E etc-life is unfair-it does'nt want to see your sore toe-it wants to show you its sore toe. Nobody remembers a "quitter", stay positive and don't let the ******ards grind you down, and good luck with your job hunting.




PS 8x stock assistants, 8x shelf stackers, 2 x maintainance staff required at Asda Handsworth Sheffield. Application forms from Asda to be handed in to Eastern Avenue Jobcentreplus, they are interviewing on 23rd initial telephone int so be quick, get them in for Monday 20th. Have a look on Direct.Gov website. Good Luck.

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In response to your comments:

Rules are rules - the 2 year NI contribution entiltlement to JSA (ie what you paid in to the system) in order to draw it out to qualify for JSA (Conts) fo 6 months is unfortunately a hard fact of life. If you are lucky enough to have qualified for JSA you get the conts part for the first 6 months, then it switches to JSA (Income Based) which looks at any income you have coming in, i.e a partner who works. So you are lucky to have a partner who has a job. You still need to find out what other benefits you are entitled to though for example, council tax rebate, hb, ctc, working tax credit etc.


In regards to your other comments Lisa, this is not a "new" problem. I went through all this 20 years ago, going from temp job to temp job some long term, some short term. When that ended with the first recession 1990, I did an access course at Lincs College, the obtained a place as a mature student at Sheff Uni graduating in 1997 with a 2:1 degree- with yes you've guessed it "no job". I then worked as a taxi driver for a year at night, then a cleaner, then in a factory, then a sales rep before doing a PGCE teacher training course, qualified as a secondary school teacher, only to find supply work, this lasted for 6 years, before I came to my current job working in the Jobcentre.


You are right, with determination and sticking power- you will find a job. It might not be what you want but you may get a foot in the door and an opportunity to do something else in the organisation with a positive attitude.If you are signing on, do all the courses JCP offer free under the sun. There are jobs out there, only 30% go through Jobcentreplus. You have to find them quickly and apply for them soon making sure your CV shouts out your good qualities. Forget other negative comments on here regarding the govt, cuts, agencies such as A4E etc-life is unfair-it does'nt want to see your sore toe-it wants to show you its sore toe. Nobody remembers a "quitter", stay positive and don't let the ******ards grind you down, and good luck with your job hunting.




PS 8x stock assistants, 8x shelf stackers, 2 x maintainance staff required at Asda Handsworth Sheffield. Application forms from Asda to be handed in to Eastern Avenue Jobcentreplus, they are interviewing on 23rd initial telephone int so be quick, get them in for Monday 20th. Have a look on Direct.Gov website. Good Luck.


Yes but that does not make it right, when there are people who have never contributed never mind 6 months NI claiming year in year out laughing at the Job Centre and the Government. If you can understand my frustration I have worked, done whatever I could to get by, and feel it is unfair that I am being treated this way when I am one of the ones who has contributed and it seems like others that have never have an easy ride of it. That is brilliant that you did all that, I also would love a steady job that pays well and a career so I know financially I can take care of myself. I do look on the Job Centre webiste and have been for three years now, day in day out week in week out, handing out my CVs applying for jobs I see, apply for jobs that other people tell me about that they see but still nothing. I know they offer free courses at the Job Centre I have been going and trying at agencies, one in particular where I had a good experince in one place it was bad when I went somewhere else so I complained to their head office as I was not happy with the treatment I recieved.


I enquired about a job that was in the area where I live about 15 mins away walking so I thought that would be ideal. I went in and was ignored by this girl who did not smile there was no eye contact not good enough I have worked in offices and shops myself and you do not ignore your customers or clients bad manners. A young man came over and was polite enough, he took my details and said the girl would ring me back. Bearing in mind that when I rang the same agency before, I was told by the recruitment manager on the telephone when I rang up that I needed to have previous experience it was the same job that they were advertising.


The girl did not ring me back and I was beginning to get angry, so I went over them, and wrote a letter to the head and regional offices and to the recruitment manager at that office. I recieved a reply and was not happy so I wrote them a letter back, the recruitment manager rang me when the office recieved my letter of complaint and he asked me if I wanted to go in and be signed up to work with them. I said to him it should not have taken me to have a write three letters of complaint to be able to sign up with you to enquire about a job should it?, I then said no thankyou I don`t want to sign up with you now and I should tell I have written a letter of complaint to your haed and regional offices as the way I have been treated is not acceptable.


I then saw an advert in the Job Centre, and this was another agency the one I had the good experience with before. I went in and it was the same thing again people sitting typing and ignoring me, the man came over and abruptly said what do you want? I wanted to say I am here for a pound of potatoes you idiot what do you think. They then just tried to talk me out of applying for the job, the job was a bit of a way away and I said I was prepared to get two buses there. They just said well we need people that can get there, I said I can and where do you live I told them the lady said oh the buses are unreliable, I said I know they are I catch buses on a regular basis but if I am willing to travel everyday I do not see what your problem is really.


I just felt like I was having to make excuse after excuse to convince this two bit agency to take me on, I then said I do not drive but my husband does and could give me lifts wherever I need, she then went on to make out that my husband who has a strong work ethic would not get me there. At this point I could feel myself getting very angry, I just said well that is not acceptable and went to walk out but then came back and said I want to address to complain, I said to the lady do you have any other jobs her answer was no. So I said what so you only have one vacancy in the whole agency that is stupid, I said years ago you would go to an agency and they would match you to an job that you are suited too.


I just snatched the piece of paper out the crettins hand and stormed out and slammed the door on the way out. I have recieved a letter back today saying that the agncy was wrong to treat me this way, and they are investigating the matter as it is not acceptable.


Thankyou I am trying not to but it is very hard, when you just get doors slammed in your face all the time from agencies and the Job Centre it is hard to stay positive sometimes.

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I have my GCSE`S and a varied amount of work experience, in offices, shops, waiteressing, factory work, but I don`t have a GCSE in Maths which I don`t think helps and I have had alot of jobs also I don`t know if this has anything to do with it.

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