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How unfair is this government to those who want to work.

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Interesting. I wonder what it is that you find hard about it? I suspect it has not been taught well in the past.


When I was at school I swapped from higher maths which was all algebra, triganometry, and geometry, which I hated and couldn't see a purpose for, to commercial maths which was much more arithmetically based, and because I could see a use for it, and how it worked, I sailed through it. I still had to do a bit of algebra and geometry but not nearly as much.


I got an O level, and will be eternally grateful to the teacher who knew there was an alternative. I'm not up to date with GCSE maths, but maybe there is an equivelent qualification which you would be better suited to.


The course I took at Night School was a GCSE equivelent, and I could the easiest level three but not the level two which was harder and the level one was really difficult for me. I struggled with some things at level three, I think for me maths will always be my achilles heel.

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Lots of jobs require qualifications. I started work in the 60s in clerical roles, and went to night school to do accounting and other O Levels (GCSEs). However, due to being a hard worker and doing a decent job, I've had a couple of long term employments where I've been promoted without having the qualifications that an outsider might have needed.


When I got made redundant at 49, I took a basic clerical job in a different type of organisation, and for the second time worked my way up to a minor management role. When I retired at 60, I was the only person at my level in my department, without a degree. I don't even have A levels. I've had a few different part time jobs since then, but only do voluntary work now out of choice.


Getting a foot in the door then proving you can do the job are the the important things. If you can't drive, don't apply for jobs that insist you must. Look at jobs that you can do, and perhaps join a job club where you'll get help with application forms and CVs.


For instance, this organisation could possibly help: http://www.sheffieldwellbeing.org.uk/content/case-study-%E2%80%93-soar-one-stop-shop


I agree with you that is what I wanted to do get my foot in the door and show I was capable without a GCSE in Maths. I don`t just apply for jobs that say you need to drive, I have applied for jobs where it has never mentioned driving and then I have been told oh you need to drive. I am getting help from the Job Centre with job searching, I think my CV is set out really well and I sell myself very good on my CV but I am just not getting any replies.


In that particular job I was criticized alot and told I was not good enough, and I felt that nothing that I did was good enough. It was also because they wanted me to re take Maths as well and I knew I struggled I felt disheartened and discontent and so I left sadly.

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But that list doesn't include all the 'self-employed' opportunities, does it?


Nor does it include all the jobs which aren't advertised on jobserve.


It's just one of many sources of jobs.


But why are there 17400 jobs offered on that one site? If there's so much unemployment (and if those who are unemployed are serious about looking for a job) why are there so many vacancies?

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Hi all.


I recently have been made unemployed and have only just found out on Friday that I am not entitled to any JSA contribution based as I have not made enough NI contributions in the last few years.


Im also not entitled to income based JSA either. The man at the Job Centre who was very helpful and polite advised me to see if my partner could claim Working Tax Credits, we are not entitled to this either as he earns £500 too much per year.


Fact is if he worked part-time we would be better off, how does this work? I know that there are a lot of people out there who are and have been in the same position as we are now and its just so unfair so so unfair to people who are genuine and genuinely need the money.


We have both always worked, my partner full time and me most of the time full time but due to the economy I have worked part time about two years ago for about 18 months as I had to take what work I could to just pay the bills and afford to eat.


Anyway Im not saying that we are any special case or entitled to any special treatment but how bad is it when genuine people genuinely need the money to get by. Im asthmatic and I have to pay for my prescriptions which amount to about £25.00 every other month and then dental treatment. How the hell does this idiot of a government expect people to manange.


Im going balls out to find a job no matter what it is and its just so depressing to know that we wont have hardly any money left at the end of the end of the month when my partner gets paid. It really gets us mad.


Im not going to comment on the people on our estate who have lots of kids and have never worked in their life and have the biggest tv and run a car and can afford to smoke and drink, and get all the benefits.


I know I will find a job no matter what it is, but Its the feelings of frustration and the feeling really down and am finding it so hard to stay positive. People are saying stay positive but its really hard at this moment in time for both me and my partner.


Has anybody else out there felt like this when they have been in this situation and what did you do to make yourself feel more positive and upbeat.


Thanks for reading, from a very frustrated person


Firstly I really feel for you. You are one of the genuine people trying to get a job. Firstly I cannot understand how you cannot get help yet there are people who havent work their whole lives and cannot be bothered to work get benefits a council house and the lot. Surely these people havent made enough (if any contributions to NI). I hope you do find a job soon. On here there are people who defend these layabouts yet people who need a little helping hand like you get nothing. It really makes me mad :rant:

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But that list doesn't include all the 'self-employed' opportunities, does it?


Nor does it include all the jobs which aren't advertised on jobserve.


It's just one of many sources of jobs.


But why are there 17400 jobs offered on that one site? If there's so much unemployment (and if those who are unemployed are serious about looking for a job) why are there so many vacancies?


because a lot of the jobs available now are skilled jobs and 99% of people looking for jobs are not skilled workers.

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because a lot of the jobs available now are skilled jobs and 99% of people looking for jobs are not skilled workers.


I though there were loads of freshly minted graduates looking for jobs ? Is it really only 1%. And if it is as simple as needing skills - get skills !!!!!!

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