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Spent the night in the cells :(

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I can give a bit more info now.

We went out last night for a meal at a local resturant.

Me the missus and my kids along with the nephew and one of his friends.

We had a great night, the food was amazing and the atmosphere was fun but there was a bloke who kept looking at out table.

He winked at my daughter (6) and then licked his lips.

We thought nothing of it as he was eating so assumed he licked his lips cos of that.

About half hour before we were due to leave the missus went to the ladies snd then this bloke got up from his table and went to the gents, or so i thought.

I got a txt from the missus saying "hes trying the toilet door" so i went to have a look.

He was stood outside the cublicle and when challenged said "oh, i thought this was the gents"

We spoke to the manger and left after paying out bill.

This man comes outside and shouts at the missus.


He then walked up to us, pushed me to the floor and grabbed the missus privates. Hand up skirt and trying to pull at her panties.

Of course i was scared so i got up and lamped him one.

A few people came out from the place wed just been to to see what was happening but no one saw him touch the wife.

Someone called the police and an ambulance who arrive quickly and when this bloke came round he said the the police.

"He hit me, for no reason"

The kids and wife were hysterical at this point and tried to tell the police what had happened but they were too busy checking if he was ok and slapping the cuff on me.

The missus went back into the resturant and asked the manager to back us up with what had happened in the toilets but he said "Sorry, i dont want to get involved. If it had been on the premisis then that would be different but....."

This man WILL be pressing charges and the police wont take a report of assault against him as the copper in charge said "well your wife can say anything if she thinks itll get you off the hook cant she?"

I was released on bail this morning and have to report back soon where the police say i will be charged with ABH, possibly GBH if his cheek bone is broken.


Now, thats what happened and so you people who are making personal comments about my wife should remember this.

You need to grow up.

She is devastated by what has happened and so are the kids.


OK so has your wife made a charge to the police for the sexual assualt?


Has any witnesses come forward or spoken to your wife when they saw the incident?


Who called an ambulance and police - what did they actually say to them of what happened?


What have you said to the police about the charges and what started the whole incident off? Have they said anything about the person you assaulted and his behavior?


Did you have a duty solicitor to advise and represent you during the police interview? What have they said?


What have the police said about this sexual assualt?


Something in missing from this story.

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I think you did right. If that had happened to my wife I would have decked him too although my wife would have got there first.


In fact, if he'd licked his lips looking at either of my daughters I wouldn't have just sat there and ignored it.


However, I don't think detailing the incident on here will do your defence much good. If it goes to court and your story on here is accurate, then I wish you well.


Finally, I'm not trying to come across as some thug or big guy on here - I avoid trouble at nearly all costs - but I believe in self-defence, never more so than when it involves my loved ones.

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OK so has your wife made a charge to the police for the sexual assualt?


The police wont take a repot as they see it as her just trying to get me off the hook

Has any witnesses come forward or spoken to your wife when they saw the incident?

Not that i know of.


Who called an ambulance and police - what did they actually say to them of what happened?

I dont know who called them or what they said.


What have you said to the police about the charges and what started the whole incident off?

They are taking his word for it that it was a random unprovoked attack.

Have they said anything about the person you assaulted and his behavior?




Did you have a duty solicitor to advise and represent you during the police interview?


No, i didnt think i needed one as i know i was in the right.


What have they said?

See last answer


What have the police said about this sexual assualt?


As far as they are concerned there wasnt one.


Something in missing from this story.


A happy ending?


Hope you dont mind me answering you by editiing your post.

It was the easiest way.

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DON'T delete the txt from either your or the wifes phone. That's evidence and can be used to validate your side of the story.


Shes getting me a solicitor first thing monday and shes made sure the message is backed up to her computer and its also been locked on the phone so cant be deleted without a lot of hassle.

Just to be on the safe side.

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