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Nazi uniforms are they sexy or taboo.

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The British atrocities against the Irish over 9 centuries are very rarely mentioned because it blights the image of the glorious Empah !!!


We constantly hear about the atrocities, such as the potato famine, in Britain! It is taught in our schools! Tony Blair, a former British prime Minister, publicly apologised for it!


Don't know where you get this "very rarely mentioned from"....

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The British atrocities against the Irish over 9 centuries are very rarely mentioned because it blights the image of the glorious Empah !!!


The atrocities of men largely British or of British extraction committed atrocities against the Real Americans (The aboriginal natives).


How do you stand as an ex-Brit and current-Yank on that one?


Do you wish to hand the US back?

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The British atrocities against the Irish over 9 centuries are very rarely mentioned because it blights the image of the glorious Empah !!!


Back on topic then. Having explored all the atrocities that have been perpetrated by various countries is it really so wrong to wear fancy dress?

Would you rise up in a fit of righteous indignation for example if you saw someone wering the American uniform from the Vietnam war era as fancy dress?:(:)

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The atrocities of men largely British or of British extraction committed atrocities against the Real Americans (The aboriginal natives).


How do you stand as an ex-Brit and current-Yank on that one?


Do you wish to hand the US back?



Ask the Aussies, the Canadians and the Kiwis the same question. Stupid question anyway werent it? :hihi:


Nazi fancy dress. I guess kinky folks without much educationy or class find black SS uniforms as something of a turn on. I have already made my views clear on the subject on other posts . They have the right to wear it under freedom of speech and expression

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Wearing a cop uniform to a party doesn't imply that you are going to fail to find a murdered child after 3 searches nor does it imply that you are going to kill a drunk walking down the road.


Cop uniforms are ok at parties, Commie uniforms are ok (Millions died at their hands) so why not Nazi uniforms.

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Does the Queen wish to give back Canada to the Iroquois and Mohawks, Australia to the Aborigines and New Zealand to the Maoris?


All the above indigenous people were subjugated by opportunists and adventurers from Britain.


How do you stand on that?


I am well aware of the above. It seems a trifle hypocritical on your part to go on about 'British Atrocities' when you chose to take US Nationality thereby benefitting from the very atrocities that you seek to condemn (when it suits you).


Think further than the immediate question in future you'll minimize embarrassment.

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I am well aware of the above. It seems a trifle hypocritical on your part to go on about 'British Atrocities' when you chose to take US Nationality thereby benefitting from the very atrocities that you seek to condemn (when it suits you).


Think further than the immediate question in future you'll minimize embarrassment.


Well this is the way many of the threads go. The discussion centers on one topic then becomes a slagging match when an exp-pat posts a comment since there are many on the forum who are anti-American which I've often wondered about but concluded that Sheffielders were and are traditionally far left in their political views and their views on America have been passed down to them by their parents. Sooner or later the subject of Vietnam comes up then the history of the American Indian as a way to get a little bile and hatred in.

Uptowngirl's comment on a recent post is typical of this. Why cant people like that think before they make such comments? Did she overlook the massacre by the Paras in Derry on Bloody Sunday or again harping back to the centuries of injustice to the Irish?. I'm not an Irish nationalist or even Irish. I just get annoyed when people post negative comments knowing as they should that there's an old saying "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"


You asked a rather stupid question earlier about "handing America back to the Native Americans".

Why not ask the same to an Aussie, a Canadian a New Zelanader or a white South African?

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Well this is the way many of the threads go. The discussion centers on one topic then becomes a slagging match when an exp-pat posts a comment since there are many on the forum who are anti-American which I've often wondered about but concluded that Sheffielders were and are traditionally far left in their political views and their views on America have been passed down to them by their parents. Sooner or later the subject of Vietnam comes up then the history of the American Indian as a way to get a little bile and hatred in.

Uptowngirl's comment on a recent post is typical of this. Why cant people like that think before they make such comments? Did she overlook the massacre by the Paras in Derry on Bloody Sunday or again harping back to the centuries of injustice to the Irish?. I'm not an Irish nationalist or even Irish. I just get annoyed when people post negative comments knowing as they should that there's an old saying "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"


You asked a rather stupid question earlier about "handing America back to the Native Americans".

Why not ask the same to an Aussie, a Canadian a New Zelanader or a white South African?


I'm not anti-American, I have no love for the US Government but then again the same is true of the British Government.


YOU seem to want to denounce what you see as British Atrocities and yet are content to benefit from them.

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a while back i noticed a yahoo group who were into nazi uniforms as a fetish. the question is, is it right or wrong? the nazis were evil no nodoubt about it but yet some are drawn to the uniforms of that time it would seem. :huh:


Answer to your thread title,taboo!!!

If people find them sexy they are sick and twisted.

They should be banned,and only available for film/stage actors.


As for fancy dress parties, Prince Harry learned to his cost,its direspectful and thoroughly distasteful to the memory of those who died because of that evil regime.Are people ignorant about twentieth century history or what? and if they are why? arn't they being educated properly??


They're are still neo-nazi groups scattered around Europe,who support the nazi regime,some in secret,some flaunting it,and displaying swastikas lets hope they never become powerful.

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Answer to your thread title,taboo!!!

If people find them sexy they are sick and twisted.

They should be banned,and only available for film/stage actors....





Should British uniforms be banned for having been worn by a Nation that conquered a large part of the globe?


Should Communist uniforms be banned for murdering 10's of millions?

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