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Have I got runners foot?


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I can run a finger across the balls of my left foot, and feel there is a dint or depression between each ball.


On my right foot, it is just flat, and there is some swelling or puffiness between each ball. This has appeared in the last month or so, I have been running a lot (maybe just over 100 miles a month, for last 2 months).


Any advice, what could it be?

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Could be Planta Faciatis... (*Spelling)... I have had this after running 30 miles a week - often caused by imbalance in gait.

Best to get some professional advice...


Isn't that more in the heel? Think it used to be called 'policeman's heel'.

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Thanks Jemson.


Not sure if it was the increase in weekly distance, or worn out shoes. I took it easy for a week, got some new shoes, did 3 runs in them, and it's flared up again. Feels like a lump or swollen area between the balls of my foot (near toes).


Probably, I increased my running distance too fast.


Rest and ice sounds like a plan. Thanks.

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