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Light duties at work

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After breaking my collar bone my doctor gave me a note saying I can return to work on light duties, so my company kindly allowed me back but No heavy lifting.

Anyways I work a 2 man shift without any problem and no drop in productivity, but I've been told by my team leader the company will only want fully abled people to work overtime, so when I asked him who gave him this instruction he said he can't remember.

If this is a management decision I would be fine with it but I have a feeling it's a personal decision.

Do you think I could take this further ?

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I'm not sure then. I think people on rehab plans tend to stick to their normal hours really. Is somebody having to cover the work you can't do? If they are, then I can understand that and your manager can probably say they only want people who can perform full duties.

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I can understand if it came from my manager, but to say he can't remember,,strange


Maybe someone has said to him in the past that they don't encourage people on rehab plans to do overtime?


He probably doesn't want to be to blame if the extra work starts to hurt you, plus that'd put you on an even longer rehab.

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But I can't be the 1st person to return on light duties and something must be in place


You won't be the first to return on a plan, but they might not allow people to do the overtime. They're not going to want to pay 2 people, to do 1 job for overtime.


How long are you on rehab? A few weeks?

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