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Advice needed regarding aggressive dog since been spayed


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It is not unusual for bitches to become 'touchy' for a few weeks after speying due to the sudden drop in hormones. This can happen even if they were operated on at the correct time of their cycle. Within two to four weeks they are usually fine. However, this one was speyed in March which is five months ago so I really can't see that it has any bearing on the situation.

It is not really something that any of us can help with. Remember that the OP states that the child was only stroking the dog - not teasing her or taking food away. When a dog has bitten, tried to bite (or nipped) even once it could lead to more serious injury at a later date. This is potentially a risky situation and the OP needs to seek professional help ASAP in order to ascertain what is going on.




He wasnt teasing her at all, i will be getting professional advice but i thought i would ask here too.

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The fact that she would have been due in season has no bearing on this at all. The hormones left the blood stream long ago - the bitch cannot be affected by these as she no longer has them.

I'm glad to see that you are considering professional help and hope that this can be sorted. Good luck.

Edited by ccit
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The fact that she would have been due in season has no bearing on this at all. The hormones left the blood stream long ago - the bitch cannot be affected by these as she no longer has them.

I'm glad to see that you are considering professional help and hope that this can be sorted. Good luck.



Thanks love, and confusedmum - if you dont have any input that actually helps dont bother commenting.

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The fact that she would have been due in season has no bearing on this at all. The hormones left the blood stream long ago - the bitch cannot be affected by these as she no longer has them.

I'm glad to see that you are considering professional help and hope that this can be sorted. Good luck.

I was told a long time ago that it can take up to 3 mths for their hormonal balance to settle back down & this was by my vet ? I also had a bitch that still behaved as though in season even though she had been spayed ?:huh:
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I was told a long time ago that it can take up to 3 mths for their hormonal balance to settle back down & this was by my vet ? I also had a bitch that still behaved as though in season even though she had been spayed ?:huh:


This can happen when they accidentally leave a bit of the tissue behind but it doesn't happen a lot though, must be awful when it does.


I reckon that this dog is just becoming mature, flexing her muscles a bit and trying it on.

Put into Google nothing in life is free, it is a really good way of establishing a good pack order in a kind way there should be lots that you can do, a behaviorist would also be good if you really feel that it has become necessary...the dog doesn't need putting to sleep she just needs to learn some boundaries.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi there omg how can someone on this site say put the dog down without knowing anything the people on this site make me sick with such stupid comments firstly take your dog to the vets to see if there is any medical problem get them to do blood tests if that comes back clear then seek the help of a behaviourist i could help you if you want i am coming of this forum as there are to many stupid idiots making to many crazy comments many thanks from Steve rant over for now

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