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Plain Packaged Cigarettes: Is it a charter for counterfeiters ?

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Please Uptown..give me break! I'm not disputing your calculations. All I'm trying to convey, is that very often statistics are presented in a way which favours the argument of the person using them.


Hence the very old saying "lies, damn lies and statistics"


Surely you can concede that point!..? :)


No. It is basic maths. They can be interpreted by someone who can do maths or misinterpretted by someone who can't.


If 28 reduced to 21 it is a 25% reduction pure and simple. Or how would you interpet a reduction? What would you expect to have if you halved (50% reduction) 28. Anyone sensible would say 14. An idiot might say minus 22.


Which camp do you belong in.

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No. It is basic maths. They can be interpreted by someone who can do maths or misinterpretted by someone who can't.


If 28 reduced to 21 it is a 25% reduction pure and simple. Or how would you interpet a reduction? What would you expect to have if you halved (50% reduction) 28. Anyone sensible would say 14. An idiot might say minus 22.


Which camp do you belong in.


The camp that doesn't need to resort to insults!

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The camp that doesn't need to resort to insults!


No insult from me mate. It is you that put yourself forward as being in the idiot class. I just said an idiot might come up with such a stupid answer, but clearly you just did.

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No insult from me mate. It is you that put yourself forward as being in the idiot class. I just said an idiot might come up with such a stupid answer, but clearly you just did.


There you go again!...You obviously can't discuss things without resorting to insults. And it's not the first time on this thread!


Anyone who can't have a discussion without such insults has clearly nothing constructive to say!


So I'll just ignore you!..Thank you so much for your valuable input (not)

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  • 4 years later...
Thank you Joan! I mean, pretty soon they will all "not be on display"....as is the case already with supermarkets and such. So what's the point of making them all look exactly the same? It's just an open invite for organised crime to get a huge slice of the market. With relative impunity.


Isn't that a good reason for not buying them, as the risk has clearly increased? If there was a good chance that they were filled with privet and asbestos it's probably a good incentive for not filling your lungs with the smoke.

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