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Plain Packaged Cigarettes: Is it a charter for counterfeiters ?

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I think it's a good question, but I still think removing brand identity would be a good thing overall.


With regards to high street shops selling counterfeits, it does happen, we're not just talking about dodgy geezers selling knock-offs in ropey boozers. I'm sure I recall that when there have been swoops on fake booze, illegal and dangerous vodka has been found in shops and off-licences, presumably bought from wholsalers.

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I think it's a good question, but I still think removing brand identity would be a good thing overall.


With regards to high street shops selling counterfeits, it does happen, we're not just talking about dodgy geezers selling knock-offs in ropey boozers. I'm sure I recall that when there have been swoops on fake booze, illegal and dangerous vodka has been found in shops and off-licences, presumably bought from wholsalers.


More likely bought from a bloke round the back with a van...don't you think the shopkeeprs may be in on it too?

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I see on the news today that the tobacco companies in Australia have lost a high court ruling to completely ban any type of logo or name on cigarette packets. The packets may now only be olive green with a rather horrible image of some cancer related ailment graphically depicted on the front.


My personal view on this, is that it will merely play into the hands of tobacco counterfeiters (which are already rife, both here and in Australia). They must be jumping with joy!


The average person will no longer be able to tell if they are buying genuine fags or something filled with grass clippings and camel dung!


PLUS, the government will instantly lose a huge dollop of tax revenue, but will obviously 'claim' the strategy has been a success!

They will just copy what ever is on the packet can't see that being an issue.

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Obviously Britsh American want to be able to use their own branding so they have an agenda to be against plain packaging..whatabout if all the manufacturers had to use the same packaging with maybe a hologram or something to verify it?


Yes I agree the British American would want to keep their branding, and of course they have an agenda. I'm not blind to these facts. But the article in the link still stands true. It will merely fuel the trade in fakes, and nobody will be able to tell one from another, and especially the consumer.


I really don't see the non-branding argument. I know it's a silly example, but burgers and fast food make people fat and ultimately have health problems! Would it be an idea to make McDonalds take all their branding away and keep their products behind plain screens? No of course it wouldn't, people would still want to eat a burger!


Cigarettes are already out of sight in the bigger outlets, and will soon be in the smaller ones, so what does it matter if they're 'branded'?

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They will just copy what ever is on the packet can't see that being an issue.


What being an issue? You've lost me!


If you mean the counterfeiters will copy whatever is on the packet, then yes, you're right. They will only have to get ONE right, and it will be very easy to do, and even if they get it slightly wrong, who's going to know? I wouldn't be able to tell and neither would the local bobby!

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What being an issue? You've lost me!


If you mean the counterfeiters will copy whatever is on the packet, then yes, you're right. They will only have to get ONE right, and it will be very easy to do, and even if they get it slightly wrong, who's going to know? I wouldn't be able to tell and neither would the local bobby!


But if you couldn't tell the difference in the liveried packets before then what's the difference?

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Sorry; but they hope this will cut down number of smokers, when will they get it into their thick heads that smokers, buy fags for whats in the packets. They don't buy them because of the packaging & kids don't smoke because of this, they smoke as they see it as cool & so on & so forth.


Smokers are only interested in the contents; not what the packaging is like

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But if you couldn't tell the difference in the liveried packets before then what's the difference?


Well yes...good point...But my point is, is that it will be far easier and will therefore be far more prevalent. Criminal elements are always looking for an angle to exploit, and this 'plain packaging' proposal will simply be a gift.


If there 'really' has to be plain packaging (which I don't think is needed or warranted), then why not make them use the celophane wrapper they come in plain? But leave the actual box, as is. Then at least it makes it much harder to copy, with the myriad of colours and logo's etc.

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