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Breastfeeding in public- disappointed in people's attitudes

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OP don't bother with these idiots, I think it's only a small minority that have this silly attitude!


I know, I can see by this thread that these people were probably exceptions to the rule, which is comforting. I think most people probably wouldn't even realise if a woman was BF next to them on a bench or on a train or something because as a previous poster said it is possible to be that discreet with the right clothing and some clever positioning. I wear my baby in a wrap and I'm hoping to learn how to feed her in there as it would be convenient with having two other small children too.


I appreciate it could have been a bit of a shock for them but if they hadn't actually seen me sit down and take my baby out to put her on they would most likely have never known what I was doing, I could have just been holding her whilst sat on the bench. Their attitude shocked me as to use a word like "disgraceful" seemed a bit harsh to me, but then I'm probably biased because I was on the receiving end :(

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I do wonder of all those making such a "moral" stand against BF, were actually as a child breast fed. You cannot compare it to defecating or peeing in public, when a woman has to feed her child, she doesn't jump up on a table & shout "Oi I'm getting me lads out, wanna watch


No it is done discretely, and they go to great lengths to preserve their own dignity, as well as ensuring the child is fed. I'm sorry but I'm aghast that there really are so many narrow minded people in Sheffield, they are probably the ones that feel sex is only for procreating.

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Its a bit more discreet. Some people will find it werid ( i am ok with it by the way)


You think it would be a "bit more discreet" to feed the baby in a public toilet ?


When you are out and are hungry, do you pop into M&S grab a sandwich and then go and sit in the toilet to eat it? NO! So why should a baby feed in those unhygienic conditions.

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I've read your post and the examples you give are honestly ridiculous. Surprisingly so actually, maybe it's because it's late and you're tired. They are so far from being even slightly similar, red haired people and the gay community are not revealing their body parts in a public place


Red hair is not a bodily part??????

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