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Breastfeeding in public- disappointed in people's attitudes

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As you mention, I would of course never make a rude comment or stare. I would also feel a little bad for her having to do it in public if I got that vibe but I can imagine that some mothers have a very blase attitude to it and do it on public transport next to an unsuspecting fellow traverler. I mean jeez can you imagine that. You telling me that wouldn't make you feel seriously uncomfortable haha :hihi: But...I can tell you one thing, If it ever happens to me when I'm travelling first class, I would absolutely make a complaint and request a serious discount for my harrowing experience. Luckily, this would never happen in such surroundings.


HARROWING?????? Are you serious, what the heck is harrowing about it?

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Nobody is discriminating against a woman breastfeeding in public. My point is that I can understand that it would make some people feel uncomfortable if they suddenly happened upon it. This is true, it doesn't make those people bad people. They felt uncomfortable, not like they can help that. On the flip side, I would imagine that some women would feel extremely self conscious about breastfeeding in public and would prefer not to have to do it if circumstances permitted.


I can't imagine the following situation happening anyway, but lets say you're flying business class and someone starts breastfeeding next to you without warning. I would find that an uncomfortable situation to suddenly find myself in, I wouldn't say anything or stare as mentioned in previous posts. I'd want to say, "I'll just move over there to give you some privacy" but I'd probably just silently move. Not everyone is the same, some people would find it an awkward position to be in. I know I would so I'd remove myself from the situation. Doesn't make me a bad person. I would expect a professional airline to notice a mother breastfeeding next to a stranger and ask the mother or the person nearest the isle if they wanted a more private seat. Seems perfectly reasonable to me.


You keep going on about first class and business class as if you feel you should be immune from things because you have paid more. So, by your own logic it would be perfectly fine for breastfeeding to occur in second class areas? Are you not now by definitaion being a snob and classisit?

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Yes it is natural but its a park, you are making everyone to look other way as it is rude to stare. surely a quickie in the car would have been more ideal


How would b/feeding in the car be better for mother or baby if they felt fine in the park? Why the need to hide a natural act?


Surely the 'indecency' is in the eye of the beholder (i.e. the ignorant people who see breastfeeding and can only think breasts=indecency=sex). If I were you I'd have a couple of sharp remarks to inform/teach any other idiots that come your way...


By the way, I've only received positive comments when out and about in Sheffield. I only felt uncomfortable once in M'hall, when a group of teenagers decided to stare for a long time in the hope of catching sight of something, I presume... then I thought, good luck to them. Not much to look at anyway... they could do better with a mag.

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I do wonder of all those making such a "moral" stand against BF, were actually as a child breast fed. You cannot compare it to defecating or peeing in public, when a woman has to feed her child, she doesn't jump up on a table & shout "Oi I'm getting me lads out, wanna watch


No it is done discretely, and they go to great lengths to preserve their own dignity, as well as ensuring the child is fed. I'm sorry but I'm aghast that there really are so many narrow minded people in Sheffield, they are probably the ones that feel sex is only for procreating.


Well Said Bypass....:thumbsup:


I'll second that :thumbsup:

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I wish that some people would accept that boobs were invented FOR feeding babies in the first place, not just to flash around or appear on page three just so that some sad so and so's could think that they were there especially for them......

It CAN be done discreetly like has been said already and it would need somebody to really go and look to see that this is what was happening......so who's in the wrong, the mother that is answering her babies demands for food or the pervert that has to have a longer look just to make sure.

I did it myself, once on a 26 hour flight when there really wasn't any choice, but with the help of a few pretty scarfs and a bit of consideration for onlookers, I and my baby survived ok.

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I noticed recently that the Broadfield pub has been accredited with a 'Breastfeeding Friendly' certification. If you google 'breastfeeding friendly sheffield' the first hit has a PDF list of all welcoming venues - I didn't realise there are so many places who have publicly declared their support.


It's shocking to hear that some members of the public are not supportive and understanding of this completely natural part of child-rearing.

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