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Breastfeeding in public- disappointed in people's attitudes

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Women showing their breasts in public is still seen as a taboo by some - generations were brought up like this and change takes time.


Oh come on now. Have you actually seen a woman breastfeeding in public? I have never sen anything other than a babies head. You can tell by the position of the head the baby is breastfeeding, but I have seen countless women feeding in public and have never seen any breast on display (funnily enough most women are only interested in feeding the baby not displaying themselves)


For some reason people get squeamish at thought of a mother breastfeeding in public, even when there really is nothing in show

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I was in Graves park yesterday with my husband and children as it was such a nice afternoon. My second daughter was born two weeks ago and we've not managed to get out with the other two much, which I've felt pretty bad about. My other two were in the playground with my hubby and I went and sat on the bench in a shady area to feed the baby. There were a few people nearby; an old couple and then a younger couple with a toddler. Looked like they were parents having a nice day out with the little one and the grandparents. When I started feeding my daughter they moved away and as they walked past the older woman tutted and the younger one said something that sounded like "disgraceful" and the man said "I know, in the park, where there's children, it's indecent". I heard this clear as day and I was so shocked! I make such an effort to cover myself when I'm feeding, for my own modesty if anything.


I have never encountered an attitude like this towards breastfeeding and this is the third baby I have BF. I'm so disappointed by this to be honest and i was so upset. I wish I'd gone back to the car but we were parked out on the road away from.the car park, plus the car is boiling.


I truly hope this kind of attitude isn't representative of Sheffield because it was very sad to see :mad:


No No No No No.


Please just ignore them. They are idiots. It might be hard to avoid being affected by their comments, but please try and persuade yourself that they are wrong and you are right.

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Just ignore these cretins, breast feeding is the correct way to feed new born,when A babe is hungry you feed him/her where ever you are. I dont kinow when womens breasts stopped being a feeding station for babes and now they are a sex thing, unbelieveable, I cant understand why people think its disgusting to do what comes naturally and yet they put up with filthy language thats spoken everywhere by children ,teenagers, mothers & fathers and grandparents.


My sentiments exactly - if it happens again - just tell them to mind their own business and stop looking if it offends them. Tell them also that thats what breasts are for!

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Well I would say people could quite easily be suddenly confronted with it, if it's taking place in an unexpected public area not designated for baby changing / feeding or what have you. I mean, is it really necessary to do it in public? I would say not, a little forward planning may be the ticket. Borders on attention seeking if you ask me.


What a load of absolute TOSH!

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You think it would be a "bit more discreet" to feed the baby in a public toilet ?


When you are out and are hungry, do you pop into M&S grab a sandwich and then go and sit in the toilet to eat it? NO! So why should a baby feed in those unhygienic conditions.


well said!! :D

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Just because something is "the most natural thing in the world" does not mean it will be instantly acceptable to be done in a "public" area in our society.


We wouldn't defecate, urinate, fornicate etc. in public even though these are the most natural things in the world.


We don't walk about naked on the hottest day - we cover bits of our body that are deemed to be "naughty" with shorts or trunks or bikinis.


Women showing their breasts in public is still seen as a taboo by some - generations were brought up like this and change takes time.


The people who made the comments were out of order but, perhaps the mother, with a little effort, could have been more discrete, knowing that offence can be taken by some.


I'm not sure that I would particularly appreciate walking into, say, a restaurant or cafe,

and two or three mothers were breast-feeding. A lot of men would find this "embarassing" just because we're not supposed to see this and don't know how to react.


There's a big difference between feeding your baby and giving it nourishment and the acts of passing waste or "having it away".


Yes, I would be, and have been offended when I came across adults having it off in public, and peeing/ pooing.


However, I do think that Facebook would be one of the first to start moaning when the hungry baby was to start squawking for its food and the mother could not feed it because it would "offend his sensibilities".

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Go down town on a Friday or Saturday night and you'll see these in abundance.


but the difference is, alc, these are acceptable because are on show for the delectation of people like FB.


They are not being used to nourish a baby, which is obviously far, far more disgusting (LOL) than the obscenities shown on the top shelf/ page three.

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